Wednesday, January 27, 2010

10th Week - Drew's 30th Birthday

Jackson is now 12 pounds. He loves his swing but does not love tummy time. He can put his pacifier back in his mouth now. He is starting to find his thumb to soothe himself. He will smile at you when you smile at him.

Drew had rotater cuff surgery on Friday. He turned 30 on Saturday. Poor guy! He is in a sling for 6 weeks and has rehab for 3 months.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

9th Week

Jackson started getting rice cereal in his bottle at his 8PM feeding. He has been sleeping from 9PM to 1AM after eating the cereal. He still wakes up at 1AM and 4AM to eat but at least we can get him down at night. As soon as he is 3 months old, the doctor said we could start letting him cry himself back to sleep in the middle of the night.

Jackson found his thumb yesterday and started sucking on it. In the photo below, Jackson is doing his imitation of woody woodpecker wanting to be fed. He bangs his head against mine.

We did find out that Drew tore his rotater cuff and he is scheduled for surgery tomorrow.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week 8

Sorry I am so late posting this week's update. It has been quite the week. Aunt Aimee came to help me with Jackson last Thursday through Sunday while Drew went snowboarding with the guys over the weekend. Drew hurt his shoulder 4 hours after he got to the resort. We are still waiting to hear if the rotater cuff is torn away from the shoulder bone.

Jackson went today for his 2 month checkup and shots. He has a little cold virus with a low grade fever and cough. He weighs 10 lbs 13 oz and is 22 inches long. The week he started putting weight on his legs and "standing" up on your lap. He also bats his bottle away when he is finished and helps you hold the bottle.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Week 7 - New Year

I cannot believe that it is the end of a decade and another year! This week Jackson got his Synagist shot. He has to have one every month until April for the respiratory virus season since he is a preemie. He weighed 9 lbs 3.5 oz on Wednesday. He is gaining about 2 ounces a day.

On Friday, New Year's Eve, we were invited to an oyster roast at one of our neighbors' house. It was chilly outside but Jackson enjoyed ringing in the New Year with our neighbors.

We spent a quiet weekend at home taking down the Christmas decorations and getting ready to drive to Tennessee to meet Jackson's great grandmothers on my side of the family. Jackson did great on the 5.5 hour drive. We stopped once so that he could eat. It snowed on us in Asheville. Nanna hopes that we get snowed in and can stay for one more day.

Great Granny Roberts

Great Grandmother Adsit

Aunt Aimee is a great babysitter.