Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 18 - Steeplechase

Jackson started eating homemade applesauce this week. He loves it! Thanks Nanna and Papaw.

We took Jackson to his first horserace in Aiken on Saturday. It was a beautiful day! Drew gave Jackson a dollar to beat on his first horse.

Jackson has decided that it is very fun for Mommy to make him be an airplane. He laughs and smiles the whole time. Unfortunately, Mommy's biceps are not in the best shape so she is very sore.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Week 17 - St. Patty's Day

Jackson started rice cereal with a spoon this week. We will start veggies and fruits one at a time starting next week.

We took Jackson to Savannah for the St. Patty's Day parade. He slept through most of it but when one of the army vehicles beeped its horn, he woke up.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Week 16

Jackson had a big week. On Saturday, we hiked Puliam Creek Trail in Shelby. There was still snow on the trail. Tuesday we drove to Tennessee so that Drew and I could make sales calls in Chattanooga while Nana and Papaw kept Jackson. Papaw turned 63 this week and Jackson turned 4 months old.

Jackson is now 15 lbs 8 oz and 25 inches long. He is in the 50th percentile for his age group on height and weight and has caught up to the 4 month olds on his motor skills. We get to start rice cereal with a spoon and then add veggies and fruits. Did I mention that Jackson is teething?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Week 15

This week got off to a rocky start. I had a bad cold that put me in bed for 24 hours on Monday so Jackson and I just read books and slept. Jackson is starting to play on the playmat Nicole gave us. He kicks his legs and bats the toys with his hands. He also started blowing bubbles and drooling so teething is on the way. Jackson "coos" instead of doing his bird call or billy goat impression. He is also wearing 3-6 month clothes now. It is so sweet that way he smiles at us now.