Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week 22 - Mommy Turns 30 and Lillie Is Born

What a big week! Jackson stayed with Grammy and Great Nana while Daddy took Mommy to Canada to celebrate her 30th birthday.

Jackson ate prunes and peaches this week. Prunes are a mess and stain everything but he likes them.

Jackson can do pushups during belly time now. He is grabbing for everything. This week he tried to take my cell phone while I was talking. He loves sticking his hand in my mouth and feeling my face. He also started patting us on the shoulder when we hold him.

Megan and Brian have a new addition to their family. Her name is Lillian Claire, Lillie for short. We hope that she and Jackson will be the best of friends. Jackson met her for the first time last night. He touched her foot as if to say, "Don't worry. Everything will be alright."

Monday, April 19, 2010

Week 21 - Great Nana's House

We drove to Buffalo, NY this week so that Jackson could meet Great Nana. Nana loved rocking Jackson, telling him stories and making train noises for him.Jackson ate bananas this week. He likes them almost as much as applesauce.

Jackson is reaching for things - earrings, necklaces, coffee mugs, sandwiches. He even took my fork and dropped it on the floor.

We are still waiting for him to turnover. He is so close!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Week 20 - Easter

On Saturday, the whole family participated in a dogwalk for the American Cancer Society. There were 600 human participants and their dogs. They raised $64,000.

Jackson had a good Easter. The Easter Bunny dropped off a book, two Baby Einstien DVDs and a portable DVD player. He must of gotten wind of our trip north next week.

This week, we are trying pumpkin. So far, applesauce is the favorite by far.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Week 19

Jackson got to see his first hockey game and his first NBA game this week. He started eating peas and carrots. He is also really good with the use of his hands. He is reaching for toys that you hold in front of him and loves batting and pulling on the toys on his playmat. We have been working on tummy time and rolling over. He rolls to his side but not all the way over. He also started laughing out loud this week. I stepped on the scale with him and he weighs 18 pounds. I was concerned we were feeding him too much but per the books he is eating like he is supposed to. I guess he is just going to be a big boy.