Friday, February 25, 2011

15th Month - Week 2

What a mess! Jackson had a cold that turned into chest congestion and before the weekend was over it was pneumonia, an ear infection and RSV - a respiratory infection. We spent Monday through Wednesday in the children's hospital. When we got out, Drew had RSV and we were all exhausted. Getting any rest in the hospital is a joke! The only way we could get Jackson to sleep was on Mommy.

We are still battling fluid in Jackson's ears. We were scheduled for tubes next Tuesday but they moved it to March 15th because he has RSV and he bronchial tubes aren't quite ready yet. Despite his hearing loss due to the fluid, he has said a few more words - "ackon" which is Jackson, diaper, and "ank you" which is thank you. We hope that he will learn more words as soon as he can hear properly. All animals are still "da" which is dog.

Jackson has been playing by himself really well. He also loves playing with other kids. We went to Music Together this week and he loved it! They sing songs, play instruments and dance around the room.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Month 14 Week 4

What a week! Jackson had a cold that turned into pneumonia and an ear infection and he caught an additional virus called RSV, which is a respiratory virus. We spent Monday through Wednesday in the hospital and every other day at home trying to keep him away from the germs.

Let's just say the hospital was zero fun. The nurses woke Jackson up 9 times the first night he was there. Drew and I were loosing our patience since he is so hard to get back to sleep. The second night I slept with Jackson on my chest on a cot. He had a crib but would have nothing to do with napping or sleeping in it by himself. I was very tempted to climb into the crib with him so that we could all get some sleep. It is about impossible to contain a 14 month old with two 6 foot wires attached to him. He was setting off monitors left and right. I got really good at clearing occlusions on the IV. Drew learned very quickly how to silence the alarms.

Jackson is doing much better. He still has fluid in his ears so we have to go to the ear, nose and throat doctor this week. He is still taking breathing treatments twice a day and will until April 1. We cannot take him to child watch of any kind until April 1 so I hope the weather is nice so we can go outside!

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers. We needed each one of them!