Sunday, March 27, 2011

16th Month Week 2

We took Jackson to Savannah for St. Patty's Day. He loved eating all the food at the tailgate and enjoyed the beginning of the parade but we had to leave early for nap time.

Jackson stumbled at Grammy's house and busted his lip on the pavers. Daddy taught him how to play the piano. He had a wonderful time banging the keys.

Jackson is being so helpful these days. He feeds Mommy cupcakes. He loves to close doors and gates. He also learned how to drink through a straw. It was amazing! We have been trying since Christmas to get him to drink through a sippy cup with a straw and he figured it out on a simple straw in Mommy's water glass.

Jackson's baby sister (Mommy thinks the baby is a girl and Daddy is praying for another boy.) heartbeat was 160 beats a minute this week. It will be May before we find out if Mommy or Daddy is right.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

16 Month - Week 1

Jackson's cousin, Emma-Catherine, came to visit us for a long weekend. She brought her parents, Amber and Christopher with her. Nana and Papaw also came to see us. We had fun celebrating Papaw's birthday and playing with the kids. We took them to Discovery Place KIDS where they loved playing in the water table. Jackson also drove a tractor and a plane.
Jackson loves riding in his little red wagon in the back yard.

Jackson had tubes put in his ears today. The surgery went well. Dada and I are so glad the tubes are in. We have had some very sleepless nights with a little one whose ears hurt. Now he will be able to hear and may start picking up a few more words. Currently, everything is a dog.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

15th Month - Week 4

Well, Jackson has been busy this week. He learned how to draw on the walls with a pencil. Thank goodness I could erase it. He likes to lay under the dining room table and scribble with his pencil and paper.

Jackson also figured out how to flush the toilet. He thought it was a lot of fun!

He loves playing at the park. He really likes to slide. He tries to climb back up the slide instead of using the stairs.
Next week, Jackson will have tubes put in his ears.
Tomorrow, Emma-Catherine, Jackson's cousin, and her parents will be here. We are so excited!

Friday, March 4, 2011

15th Month - Week 3

We had beautiful weather last weekend so we played outside. We also got the Easter decorations out. Jackson loves "hiding" the eggs. I find them everywhere!

Jackson has started throwing tantrums when he does not get his way. We have been doing our best to ignore them so he will stop. It is hard to do in public when everyone is staring at you.

Jackson loves storytime at night. Instead of our three short board books, we are up to two longer picture books.

We have had some sleepless nights here lately. Jackson wakes up screaming at the top of his lungs at least once a night. I am sure it is because his ears hurt. I cannot wait for him to get tubes!