Thursday, June 30, 2011

19th Month Week 2 and 25 Weeks Gestation

Jackson and I got Daddy ladder ball and a map of the lake for Father's Day. Now we can do some more exploring on the lake and find a nice beach to play on. Jackson really likes being in the water. He also got to go to his first pool party this weekend. It was Tenley's first birthday.

We spent the week with our friend Megan, Brian and their little one, Lillie at Lake James. It was a nice relaxing vacation. The kids played great together. They went swimming in the lake and we took them to a great playground/splash pad one day. Jackson was going down the biggest slide all by himself. He also loved going to Wilson's Creek and sliding down the river rocks.

Jackson learned where his ears are and Great Granny taught him where his eyes are. We went to Tennessee to see my sisters, mom and dad and grandmothers. I was wonderful to see everyone. We had not all been together since Christmas. Jackson entertained his great grandmothers. He also played with his cousin, Emma-Catherine. It was so neat to see them interacting. We did run into a little jealousy if Mommy held Emma.

Cole is starting to make me uncomfortable and we have 15 weeks to go! Amber is also expecting a little boy. She is 21 weeks along. Aimee is just trying to make her stomach stick out - no such luck. She is so tiny!

19th Month Week 1

Jackson and I talked about fathers all week in honor of Father's Day. Jackson learned where his belly was and his nose. He also knows where Mommy's belly is. I asked him where Cole was and he pointed to my belly and said "Dole."

We started the summer reading program at the public library. We are supposed to read 20 books over the summer. We read about 5 book a night so I have decided to just write down our favorite ones. Grammy went with us to the kickoff party for the summer reading program. There were story tellers, arts and crafts, Irish dancers and even therapy dogs that come and read with the kids.

I signed Jackson up for an art program in Cornelius. They are reading a new book each Friday and then have art stations based on the book. This week's book was "Little Smudge." We go to make a smudge using black paint and a dropper. There was also a station for gluing puzzle pieces, tracing shapes, stamping shapes and using a plastic scouring pad to blot paint. It was a lot of fun. The only problem was Jackson liked playing in the cleanup station the best.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

18th Month - Week 5 and 23 Weeks Gestation

Jackson and I went to feed the ducks this week. I have a feeling we are going to have trouble when he goes to Kindergarten and the teacher asks, "What do ducks eat?" Jackson will reply, "Cheerios!"

Our topic of the week was butterflies so we went to the Charlotte Nature Museum's butterfly pavilion. Jackson was much more interested in the turtles and birds than the butterflies. He also liked crawling through the tunnel system they had to simulate the habitat for such things as moles.

Jackson has been nodding his head yes but this week he just started shaking his head no. At least he doesn't say no yet! He also started running from me this week. We are going to have to figure out a way to make him mind. I am reading James Dobson's "The New Dare to Discipline." Let's hope he can help.

Drew got to feel Cole kick this week for the first time. His kicks are really getting strong. He is making the outside of my belly move.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

18th Month - Week 4 and 22 Weeks Gestation

Jackson and I talked about firetrucks this week. We were supposed to go see the firetrucks at the fire station but Mommy never scheduled the play date. Maybe, Daddy will take Jackson to see them this weekend at the Touch A Truck event.

We did get to see Aubie and Coach Roof (Auburn's defensive coordinator) this week. Jackson liked Aubie last year but wanted nothing to do with him this year.

Nana and Papaw came to see us this weekend. We swam in the lake, went to a pig roast and rescued a piece of dock Daddy thought he needed. We also all got haircuts from Nana!

We have decided to name our little one on the way Andrew Cole. We are going to call him Cole. His room is going to have a nautical theme - madras plaid and sailboats. Cole was doing great at the doctor's appointment. His heartbeat was 146 beats per minute. It is hard to believe he could be here in 14 short weeks!