Sunday, December 25, 2011

2 Years Old and 12 Weeks Old

Merry Christmas! Jackson loved opening presents. Santa delivered all the presents this year so that we would not have to argue about opening them early. Jackson still has no idea who Santa is but was excited to see everything under the tree.

We went to celebrate Christmas with Grammy and Grandpa in Savannah. We visited the aquarium on Skidaway Island. It was Jackson's first time at an aquarium. He loved the fish. There was a touch tank but Jackson was scared of picking up the shells with creatures in them. Mommy was scared too! Jackson loved riding on Grandpa's scooter and the golf cart.

Carson is cooing up a storm. He is so different from Jackson in that respect - Jackson never talked. He loves to lay on the couch and laugh and coo at you. His smile is infectious!

Our cousin/nephew, CJ, is in the PICU with RSV/pneumonia. He is stable but will be there for at least a week. Please pray for a fast recovery. Also, please keep his parents, Amber and Christopher, in your thoughts as they are having to deal with something no parent should have to go through. Emma-Catherine, his sister, is having a hard time understanding where Bubby went. What a sweet big sister to love her little brother so much already!

2 Years Old and 11 Weeks Old

Nana and Papaw delivered Jackson's big boy bed this weekend. He sleeps great in it during the night but at nap time we still put him in the crib because he gets out of the big bed to play. Jackson is saying three word sentences. He is really picking up words quickly now.

Carson has the VCUG test done (dye test). He does has reflux on both sides of his bladder to his kidneys. It is a grade 2 on the left side and a grade 3 on the right side. The most severe is a grade 4. He may have to have surgery on the right side. We meet with the urologist on January 17th. Until then, we just pray for no more UTIs.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

2 Years Old and 10 Weeks Old

Both boys got RSV while we were up north. It is just a nasty cold with a lot of mucus and coughing. We ended up having to do breathing treatments three times a day with each boy for a week to get rid of te cough.

Carson got another urinary tract infection so we will have a dye test done on Monday. It will tell us whether urine is backing up into his kidneys from his bladder. If so, it may require surgery to fix.

Ashleigh's dad's sister passed away unexpectedly so all the family rushed to Tennessee for the memorial service. We got to see Emma-Catherine and CJ. Jackson and Emma-Catherine had a blast chasing each other in circles around the house. Aunt Aimee got to see all her nieces and nephews.

Jackson has loved undecorating the Christmas tree. The Grinch has been decapitated twice. It isn't really Jackson's fault the ornaments get broken. Chuck the Dump Truck keeps dropping them off his exhaust pipes. Jackson has been loading his toys onto the back of his tricycle and taking them for a ride. He even extended the bed by using a chaulk broad.

Jackson loves to "cook." He have made sugar cookies and Chex mix for the neighbors.

2 Years Old and 9 Weeks Old

We went to visit Drew's Nana in Buffalo this week. It took 9 hours to make a 6 hour drive on the way up because Jackson was asking to go potty every 30 minutes. On the way home, the boys slept so it was much faster.

We also attended the boys' cousin Jayla's first birthday party. She had a bumble bee themed party. Jackson loved carrying the "balls" or balloons around. He showed Jayla how to use all her new toys.

Jackson started repeating words like crazy this week. He said, "Oh, yeah!," "Nana," and "poop."