Sunday, January 22, 2012

2 Years Old and 16 Weeks Old

Jackson finally told me he was "two" and held up two fingers. He loves to read his books and asks for them at nap time and night time. Music class started again. It is circus themed this semester. Part of the class is dressing up and acting silly like clowns. It is a lot of fun.

Carson is 16 lbs 13 oz and wearing 9 month clothes. He is so long! He loves to ride the pony on your legs. He just laughs the whole time. He is finally sleeping on his back some. He is putting weight on his legs to stand up on your lap. Carson wants to be involved in everything that we are doing.

We celebrated Drew's 32nd birthday with our friends at a local brewery this weekend. It was a lot of fun for the adults and the kids.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

2 Years Old and 15 Weeks Old

Jackson is picking up words like crazy. Last night, we were reading Mine-o-saur and he said, "mine, mine, mine." The night before we were reading Giraffes Can't Dance and he started acting like a monkey. It is so cute to see him learning.

Jackson is so sweet to Carson. He gives Carson hugs and kisses all the time! Yesterday, I heard Jackson in Carson's room while Carson was napping. When I went to check on them, I found three toys in Carson's crib. Today, Jackson put a pacifier in Carson's mouth because he was fuzzing during our walk.

Carson is able to get to his side from his back. We are just waiting for him to flip over. He can already go from stomach to back.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2 Years Old and 14 Weeks Old

Carson is having a great time playing with toys. He loves sitting in the bouncy seat and batting at the animals. He also likes laying on his play mat and yanking on the zebra overhead. He will not sleep on his stomach. If he flips over to his back, you have to go put him back on his stomach. He has almost outgrown some of his 6 month clothes.

Jackson loves riding his tricycle and big wheel. He rides down the hill in the front yard and bumps into the rocks in front of the porch. It terrifies Mommy but Mommy and Daddy did the same thing as kids. Jackson rode behind Asher on his tricycle.

No meal is complete without Jackson's help. He even helped Grammy do dishes.

Monday, January 2, 2012

2 Years Old and 13 Weeks Old

Jackson has learned new words this week - go, see and cheers! Mommy and Daddy toasted with mimosas on New Year's Eve and Jackson had orange juice. He loved saying "cheers" and clinking glasses the rest of the day! He is also repeating us and saying three word sentences.

Jackson loves kissing Carson on the cheek and laying with Carson on his playmate. He also covers him up with blankets. One day, I heard Jackson sneak up to Carson's room just as Carson was waking up. When I went to check on them, Jackson was putting Carson's soft toys in the crib to stop him from fussing.

Carson can sit propped up on the couch and in his Bumbo seat. He rolled over on New Year's Eve from stomach to back. We have spent the week sleep training him. He is now sleeping up to 9 hours in his own crib!