Friday, March 30, 2012

2 Years Old and 6 Months Old

We took the kids to Riverfront Park in Spokane on Saturday. We had a lot of fun riding a 1909 carousel and sliding down the handle of a HUGE Red Ryder Wagon. There are 17 bridges that cross back and forth across the river. The river was rushing with whitewater.

Jackson has been tickling us and saying, "Buggy, buggy." It took me a while to figure out where that came from. Papaw says, "Buzzy, buzzy bee," before he tickles you.

We took the boys to the Liberty Lake County Park one night after work. The marsh area was full of croaking frogs. Jackson loved hearing them. On the way home, Jackson yelled from the backseat, "See deer!" Sure enough, there were four deer beside the road. He spotted them before we did.

Jackson likes for us to call people on the phone and Skype. We talked with his Great-Nana this weekend. He asked me to call Nana the other night. Papaw answered and Jackson said, "It's da Papaw." That was the first time he had said Papaw.

Jackson loves going to all the parks in the area. Every time we pass one, he yells, "Park!"

Carson is rolling all over the place to get to things he wants to play with. Unfortunately, his favorite item to grab is the electrical cords for the TV. We have to watch him closely. He can also hold his own bottle now which is a big help. His hair has turned blonde. Jackson's did the same thing at 6 months. His eyes are still blue so they should stay blue.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

2 Years Old and 5 Months 4 Weeks Old - Move to Washington

What a busy two weeks! Drew started his new job in Spokane on March 12th. Grammy and Grandpa took Jackson to play at their house in Savannah. Jackson loved riding in the golf cart and flying the helicopters with Grandpa. He is calling both grandmothers Nana. On the way to their house, they heard Jackson say from the backseat, "Mommy. Daddy. All gone."

Carson stayed home with Mommy. Carson started eating puffs and yogurt melts. He also loves bouncing in his bouncer from the door frame. Carson is also able to transfer objects between his hands and roll all the way over now.

Jackson, Grammy and Grandpa got back to Charlotte in time for our St. Patty's/Going Away party. We had a great time with our friends and their kids playing at Miss Bethany's.

Carson had his 6 month checkup. He was 27 inches long and weighed 19 lbs 11 oz. He is quickly outgrowing his 12 month clothes. He also has a second tooth now.

Jackson and Carson were pretty good on the plane rides to Spokane. When we landed in Salt Lake City, Jackson said, "I'm home." Zoe and Riley flew with us. We got to see them being loaded on the planes from our window seat. Jackson kept asking for Zoe.

We are settled into our temporary housing. We have been to the library and checked out books. We have been by the gym. They have an indoor pool so we will sign the kids up for swim lessons next month. We went up to Mt. Spokane where we saw skiers and let the dogs play in the snow. We have also been to the park in front of our new home several times. We do not stay out too long because it is 40 degrees F.

The cutest quote of the week, "Zoe, da baby!" Jackson was in the backseat pulling on Zoe's collar trying to get her bottom off the baby's car seat.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2 Years Old and 5 Months Week 2

Papaw took us to the Tennessee Aquarium. Jackson and Carson loved seeing the fish!

Carson cut his first tooth this week. It is on the bottom. He smiles and kicks when he sees Mommy. He loves grabbing for hair and ear rings!

Carson and CJ were baptized this week. Ashleigh's whole family was in Tennessee. Carson slept through his baptism. Jackson did not understand that he should sit still and be quiet during the service.

Jackson loved playing with Emma-Catherine. They ran up and down the hall and played with balls outside.

2 Years Old and 5 Months Week 1

Carson, Drew and I travelled to Spokane to see our new home. It was Carson's first time to fly. He did great! He was also a real trooper while we tried to find a home.

Jackson stayed at Nana and Papaw's. We talked to him each day on the phone. He told Drew, "The ball in the bush." He and Papaw had been playing ball and the ball was in the bush.

2 Years Old and 4 Months Week 4

Drew took an interview in Spokane , WA this week. He has accepted the job and we will be moving at the end of March.

Jackson went to art class at the rec center today. He got to stamp, play with frogs on lily pads in the water and mold play dough. He loves going to the rec center.

Carson is eating whole food like a champ. He is eating two feedings a day of fruit and vegetables.