Monday, June 25, 2012

2 Years Old and 8 Months Week 4

Where does the time go?  Our baby is about to be 9 months old!

We took the boys on their first trip out of the USA this weekend.  We went across the border to Nelson, British Columbia.  It is known as the best small art town in Canada.  We tried to peak in one artist co-op but Jackson saw a choo-choo train and had a melt down.  The farmer's market was a much safer spot for our clan.  Jackson got a fresh juice and we walked up to see the waterfall in the park.

At nap time, we loaded the kids back into the car and drove them 45 minutes north to Ainworth Hot Springs.  There was a 98F pool, a cave that was 103F and a plung pool at 50F.  The cave was really cool.  It used to be an old mining shaft that had turned into a cave full of stalagtites and stalagmites from the minerals in the water.  Jackson spent 2 hours jumping off the side of the pool and swimming.

We headed up to a glacier after the hot sping but Jackson got car sick on the winding, dirt road so we never made it.  Maybe a little too much mineral water from the hot springs?

The streams were all whitewater.  There was still snow on the top of some of the mountains and they had gotten a lot of rain.  It was beautiful - the lake, the mountains, the trees and the rivers.  We stopped in Kokanee Creek Provincial Park but it started to rain so we didn't get to explore all of the park.  We loaded the car onto a ferry and went across the lake.  It was is the longest free ferry ride in the world.  The scenery was beautiful even with the fog and rain.  Jackson loved the boat ride!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

2 Years Old and 8 Months Week 3

We had a fun Father's Day weekend with Drew.  We took the boys to the beach at Lake Coeur D'Alene.  It was so windy we ended up coming home and playing yard games with the Crowley family.

Carson is cruising and pulling up on everything.  When I stand still too long in one spot, Carson climbs up my leg.  He is babbling like crazy.

Jackson is doing great going to the potty.  He rarely has an accident anymore.  He is obsessed with Jake Crowley who is 9 years old.  He wants to do everything Jake does.

I wish I could say everyone was sleeping through the night but it is so dry out here we all get thirsty in the night.  Both boys get up between midnight and 3AM waiting a drink.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

2 Years Old and 8 Months Week 2

Carson is cruising!  Last night, he was pushing a dining room chair around the kitchen and walking behind it.  This morning, he walked the full length of our dresser.

Both boys had a very drippy nose and the associated cough this weekend.  Sunday morning they got up really early - let's be honest, they never really slept.  We put them in the car and started driving.  They slept and we ended up in Missoula, MT.  It was a pretty city where three rivers converge.  On the way, we saw a moose and a bald eagle.

Jackson is starting to pretend play.  He likes to pretend he is fishing.  He also got to go to the splash pad at a local park this week.

The boys help me water our garden.  So far, we have gotten lettuce, onions and Swiss chard out of the garden.  The peas, beans, tomatoes, broccoli and potatoes are doing really well.

The boys have not been feeling great so we have spent a lot of time at home.  I let them paint.  It was Carson's first time.  He tried to eat the paper and notice the paint just above his ear in the picture.

Monday, June 4, 2012

2 Years Old and 8 Months Week 1

Carson has started pulling up on everything!  He was climbing Jackson's cooking stool.  He got over a step for a sunken living room at a friends.  Then, I caught him pulling up on a stair, standing up and then putting his knees up on the next stair.  He was climbing the stairs!  Needless to say, the baby gates are up.  Carson is also babbling like crazy - mama, dada, nana, baba.  He talks a lot more than Jackson did at this age.

Jackson got to go to Chucky Cheese for Alec's 4th birthday party.  He kept saying to Drew, "I need more money." Man it starts young!