Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2 Years Old and 9 Months Week 4

We found two lakes that are really close by this weekend.  We took the boys swimming on Friday and Sunday.  They both love the water.  Jackson loves jumping in to us.  Carson splashes at the edge.

Jackson has learned to ride his yard sale bike very well.  He rides it all over the neighborhood.

Carson is pointing at things now.  He says, "Da," every time he sees the dogs.  He is getting the hang of waving bye-bye.  He also learned how to throw a ball.  He thinks it is a lot of fun!  Carson has been using Jackson's little shopping cart to get around the house.  Jackson isn't a huge fan of sharing that toy since he uses it for hauling his toys around the house.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

2 Years Old and 9 Months Week 3

We took the boys to Snowqualmie, WA to see Thomas the Train this weekend.  Jackson loved all the trains.  We stayed the night in Ellensburg, WA and went to see a wind farm and energy museum on Sunday morning.  The wind turbines are huge!  They are 351 ft from base to tip of the blade.

We also stayed one night in Leavenworth, WA.  It is a Bavarian village.  During one of the world wars, they stopped allowing the shipment of lumber by rail and the little logging town was going to die so they decided to become a Bavarian village.  It was cute but touristy.  We stopped for a glass of wine on the way into town and saw Washington's famous apple orchards on the way home.

Carson has been talking to the baby in the glass on the oven.  He is so cute!  He stands there and says, "Hi!"

Jackson put his clothes on all by himself.  He did everything right except he had the shorts on backwards.  He also said his own name for the first time.  It is strange because he says Carson all the time.

They kids went to the dentist for the first time today.  Their teeth look great.  Spokane is the only county left in the nation that does not put fluoride in their water and the cavity rate is the worst in the nation.  I wonder if there is a correlation!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

2 Years Old and 9 Months Week 2

Carson is drinking out of a sippy cup now.  He still takes a bottle at night but we should have no problem weening him by the time he is one.  Our neighbors gave us a little coop car.  Carson loves sitting in it when Jackson will let him.

We took the boys to fish in Idaho on the Coeur D'Alene River this weekend.  The water was crystal clear.  Paul, Jake and Alec's dad, caught two cutthroat trout but we did not catch anything.  the kids had fun sticking their toes in the cold water.

On Saturday, we took the boys to the old Spokane airport called Felt Field.  They have a Skyway Cafe where we had breakfast and watched all the little planes take off.  Jackson loved seeing all the planes.  Carson loved eating the pancakes.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2 Years Old and 9 Months Week 1

We finally got the heat everyone else has been talking about for months now.  It is in the 90s for the first time all summer.  We had friends from the neighborhood over to barbecue on the 4th of July.  The kids loved playing on the slip and slide.  Then, we went to a local park to listen to the music and see the fireworks.  Our family never saw the fireworks.  The kids were in bed at 8PM and the fireworks did not start until 10PM because it stays light here so late.

We took the kids to Corbin Park on Sunday to swim at the river.  It was refreshing water.  Jackson loved looking at the little fish and picking up rocks.  Carson loved eating the rocks.  Everything goes straight to his mouth.  We took them back on Monday evening to picnic and fish after work.  Jackson was telling Drew how to fish.  Drew said, "I knew that you were going to know everything.  I just didn't think it would be so soon!"

On Sunday afternoon, we went up to Green Bluff.  It is the farming area on a bluff above Spokane.  We picked strawberries.  Can you believe it!  It is finally the end of the strawberry season.  I am making strawberry rhubarb preserves.  The kids loved playing on the farm.  They had a sandbox full of dried peas instead of sand.
Carson went for his 9 month appointment today.  He is in the 97th percentile for head, height and weight.  He is 31" tall and 24 lbs 14 oz.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

2 Years Old and 9 Months Old

We took Jackson, Carson and the dogs on a hike this weekend.  We went around the backside of the lake so that we could avoid people on the trail and just let the dogs run.  It was beautiful!  Riley came running out of the trees ahead of us and Drew thought he was a bear.  It was pretty amusing.

Carson is letting go of the furniture with one hand.  He is too wobbly to walk yet.  He can also squat down which is a big milestone.  He knows who Mom is and is a little clingy especially when he gets tired.  Otherwise, he is into everything!

Jackson still loves going to the gym a.k.a "school".  He plays with the trains and draws me a picture everyday.  He is playing well with his little brother but sometimes is a little rough.  I guess roughhousing is just natural for boys.