Thursday, March 28, 2013

3 Years Old and 17 Months Week 3

We took the kids out to the Whitewater Center on St. Patrick's Day.  They were turning the water green.  We did not get to stay long enough to see it.  The kids got tired and the crowd was getting too big for us to feel comfortable having the kids running around.  It was nicer when no one knew about the Whitewater Center except us.  Jackson wanted to climb on the big rock walls and would not listen when we tired to explain that he was too young.  They have bouldering rocks but he accomplished climbing them easily.

Drew and I had to travel to Erie on business at the beginning of the week.  Grammy took care of the boys.  Jackson asked Poppy if he could have two water guns.  I said that was nice that he wanted one for his brother and then he changed his mind and said he needed three.   Poppy got the boys water guns.  Poppy got one that would shoot further than the boys.  Smart thinking on Poppy's part!

We took the boys to ride the light rail again this weekend.  They love sitting behind the conductor.  The conductor even let them over to sit in his chair but they were both too scared.  They decided they would let him drive.

On Sunday, the boys had a play date with Travis and Amelia.  Jackson was so excited that he woke up at 3:30 AM and brought us his clothes.  We had to explain that it was still night time.  We made birds nests out of granola, yogurt and blueberries with a Peep on top.  Then, we dyed Easter eggs.  The boys really enjoy hunting the Easter eggs this year.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

3 Years Old and 17 Months Week 2

The boys got to see their cousins Emma-Catherine and Christopher, Jr. for the first time in a year.  Jackson and Emma-Catherine played really well together.  The younger boys are too young to really play with others.  The kids loved hunting Easter eggs at Nana and Papa's house.  We colored Easter eggs.  We took pictures at Great Granny's farm and we stopped at the co-op to see the bunnies and baby chicks they had for sale for Easter.  Jackson said Papa had a great birthday party.

Carson has started saying yes instead of shaking his head yes and saying no.  He is also interested in everyone's belly.  He wants you to lift up your shirt when he says belly so that he can tickle you.

Jackson's ear drum burst again last night.  I cannot wait for cold season to be over!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

3 Years Old and 17 Months Week 1

We went to see Drew in Scotland Neck, NC this weekend.  He had been up there working on a project all week.  We stayed at a hunting camp.  There were mounted deer heads/antlers everywhere!  There were also two turkeys and a bobcat.  The boys loved petting the deer.  Jackson caught a big mouth bass with Drew on Saturday and then two sun fish on Sunday.  He was so excited and terrified at the same time.

The world's largest bird sanctuary open to the public is in Scotland Neck.  We took the boys to see all the birds.  Carson called them all "ducks."  He kept yelling "quack, quack" at the birds.

On Monday, we headed to Charleston to see if we could find a house to live in if we get the big project at Showa Denko Carbon.  We took the boys to the beach.  It was windy and cold but there were kite surfers out.  We found a park with a merry-go-round.  It is pretty clear with they are unsafe and no longer in most parks but the boys sure did have a good time.

Jackson helped Carson put on his shoes and socks yesterday.  It was really cute.  Carson colored his first picture at the gym.  Until now, he just ate the crayons.