Monday, December 14, 2009

Week 4

Jackson and I went to see the lactation consultant on Wednesday and he was 6 lbs 11.4 ounces. He is gaining an ounce a day. I am pretty sure we went through a growth spurt last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday because we could not get him to sleep and he was eating a ton. By Friday, we were so frustrated and tired that we called the pediatrician to see what we could do about getting him to sleep. The nurse said to let him cry it out for 10 minutes, pat his back and put him back to bed. When we fed him ,we were to not turn on the lights, talk to him or make eye contact. Just feed him and back to bed he went. It worked! The first night he cried for one solid hour, and then, he slept between feedings so we rotated being up every two hours. By Sunday night, he was sleeping three hours between feedings. He has also started putting his hand on the bottle to help us hold it.

This used to be the only way any of us would get sleep. It made for very long nights sleeping in the chair.

We try to take a walk everyday except when the weather is bad. This weekend was cold and rainy but we finally got out on Sunday. Jackson's head used to be down inside the Baby Bjorn but this weekend it poked out the top as you can see.

We went to see the lights in McAdenville (Christmastown, USA) last night. They were beautiful. The twins, Zoe and Riley, loved sticking their heads out the window to look at the pretty lights and people passing by. Jackson just slept this year.

1 comment:

  1. so glad Jackson is doing well. Why is sleeping such an issue with babies...goodness i think that has been the biggest dilemma for us. We waited until 3 months to let her cry it out...took a few nights, but it was worth it. so hard to hear them cry the first night! isabel will go through a bad sleep week occasionally, especially around growth spurts, but overall she does great. love hearing about Jackson! thanks for keeping us updated!
