Saturday, July 31, 2010

8 Months Old

Jackson got his first cold which turned into an ear infection and then he cut his seventh tooth. Needless to say, we have had several sleepless nights over the past 3 weeks. He is now eating more solid food. He loves toast and we started meat in the baby food. We are working on learning to use a sippy cup. Everyone has a different opinion on which one is best.

Jackson learned to wave this week. He was sitting in a highchair waving at his shadow on the floor. We got him to look at us and wave. Later that evening, Drew was keeping him and Jackson saw Cameron Diaz on the TV. He started waving at her thinking it was Mommy. I am excited to be mistaken for Cameron.

Nana got Jackson a riding/walking toy at Christmas. We got it out this week for him to sit on. He loves all the things that make noise and move on it. We went shopping at Nicole's. Jackson is wearing 18 month old clothes now.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Weeks 33 and 34

We had a great 4th of July on the lake. Mommy tried water skiing for the first time and was able to finally get up but only for a minute. Jackson loves riding on the boat. He usually falls asleep.

Erin and Mike let us borrow a float that keeps Jackson upright. The life jacket makes him lean backwards and the floating bathing suit makes him lean forward. Mommy uses Jackson and his float as a kick board to swim out to the buoy and back.

Jackson shows a few signs of maybe crawling. He is really good at sitting up by himself.

Jackson has 6 teeth now so we figured it was time to start brushing them instead of just using a washcloth to clean them.

We bought a bike trailer so that Jackson can go with us on bike rides. The first day the inter tube blew in the trailer tire. The second day Mommy's peddle fell off her bike and Daddy had to ride home with Jackson while Mommy caught a ride with a friendly neighbor.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Weeks 30, 31, and 32

Wow, what a whirlwind! Last week we got an offer on our house on Monday and we were moving out on Saturday. Jackson is cutting 4 teeth on top. He is sitting up all by himself. He is eating food off Mommy's plate. He can swap items between his hands and reaches when we wants you to hold him. I cannot believe how fast he is growing!