Saturday, July 31, 2010

8 Months Old

Jackson got his first cold which turned into an ear infection and then he cut his seventh tooth. Needless to say, we have had several sleepless nights over the past 3 weeks. He is now eating more solid food. He loves toast and we started meat in the baby food. We are working on learning to use a sippy cup. Everyone has a different opinion on which one is best.

Jackson learned to wave this week. He was sitting in a highchair waving at his shadow on the floor. We got him to look at us and wave. Later that evening, Drew was keeping him and Jackson saw Cameron Diaz on the TV. He started waving at her thinking it was Mommy. I am excited to be mistaken for Cameron.

Nana got Jackson a riding/walking toy at Christmas. We got it out this week for him to sit on. He loves all the things that make noise and move on it. We went shopping at Nicole's. Jackson is wearing 18 month old clothes now.

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