Thursday, December 30, 2010

13th Month - Week 2 - Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas! We travelled to Tennessee to see Ashleigh's family. Jackson got to play with his cousin Emma-Catherine. They both love to eat! We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at home. Jackson did not really open any of his presents. He loved playing with them once they were open. We stayed in our pjs all day and Jackson took two long naps. He was so tired from playing with all his new things.
We got snow on Christmas night and played in it the next day. We do not have a sled so we used a kayak. Jackson did not know what to think of the snow. He stayed glued to our side.

We used part of our Christmas money to join Discovery Place, a children's museum. Jackson had a wonerful time exploring. He sat in a Jackson kayak. Then, he played at the water table for 30 minutes and did not want to leave. He also loved the puppet show, driving the airplane, harvesting the corn and gathering the chicken eggs. He was so tired on the way home he was chewing his Cheezits with his eyes closed. Mission accomplished!

Friday, December 17, 2010

13th Month - Week 1

Jackson hung out with Amelia (2 years old) and Travis (3 years old) on Sunday. When he got home, he was walking all over the house. He has also started holding his sippy cup by himself. He turns it with the spout on the upper side instead of down but it seems to work.

He also figured out that his snacks are in his diaper bag so this morning I found him going through the bag looking for them. All the kids at the gym love Jackson's snacks. There is nothing special about them except that they are Jackson's. We take plenty to share.

Jackson got his first sugar cookie last Saturday and he also loves that magic cookie bars. (I can't blame him. Mommy and Daddy love them too!)

Jackson loves to unroll the toilet tissue while I am tyring to get ready in the bathroom. He has also figured out how to use his shape sorter. It is so neat to see him learn all these new things!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

12th Month Week 4 - Santa

Jackson got to hang out with Nana and Papaw this weekend while Mommy and Daddy went to birthday and holiday parties. They took Jackson to a birthday party at The Little Gym. Jackson enjoyed seeing all the other kids.

This morning, Mommy and Jackson went to have coca and cookies with Santa. Jackson loved looking at Santa from a distance but did not like sitting on Santa's lap. I think part of the problem was the separation anxiety he is currently experiencing.

Jackson is cutting all 4 molars at one time. He is walking big distances but would still prefer to hold your hand. He has not been messing with the Christmas tree since we put it up. Jackson has been a big help in the kitchen with all the holiday baking. He loves playing with his magnets on the refrigerator and stirring an empty pot on the floor.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jackson battled another cold the week after his birthday. He is also trying to cut his molars which makes him cranky. Jackson is experiencing separation anxiety so anytime Mommy leaves the room he screams. I am sure I will miss this stage one day. He is walking pretty large distances. It is so cute to see him toddle around but he takes some tumbles that worry us.

We spent Thanksgiving at Grammy and Grandpa's in Savannah. Then, we went to Tennessee to see Nana and Papaw and help them light the Advent wreath at church. Jackson kept the crowd entertained by tapping on the microphone. We stopped in western North Carolina to pick out and cut our Christmas tree this year. Jackson was a big help decorating the Christmas tree! The lights went on and he took them off. The ornaments went up and he took them down.