Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jackson battled another cold the week after his birthday. He is also trying to cut his molars which makes him cranky. Jackson is experiencing separation anxiety so anytime Mommy leaves the room he screams. I am sure I will miss this stage one day. He is walking pretty large distances. It is so cute to see him toddle around but he takes some tumbles that worry us.

We spent Thanksgiving at Grammy and Grandpa's in Savannah. Then, we went to Tennessee to see Nana and Papaw and help them light the Advent wreath at church. Jackson kept the crowd entertained by tapping on the microphone. We stopped in western North Carolina to pick out and cut our Christmas tree this year. Jackson was a big help decorating the Christmas tree! The lights went on and he took them off. The ornaments went up and he took them down.

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