Tuesday, May 31, 2011

18th Month - Week 3

We talked about swimming all week. Today was our last day of swim lessons at the YMCA. Jackson learned how to go under water, blow bubbles, reach and kick, float on his back and get in and out of the pool. Jackson loves the water! We spent the weekend in the lake. We have a float that keeps him upright and he can kick to where he wants to go. He also loves the splash fountains.

We got to play with Lillie and Carly on Saturday at the lake. Jackson loves giving hugs to the girls! Monday, Amelia and Travis came up and ate ice cream with use before playing in the splash fountain. It is amazing that all the kids can play together now.

I received one of my first "thanks" yesterday! All that repeating myself may be working.

Monday, May 23, 2011

18th Month - Week 2

This week we talked about horses. We were supposed to go see the horses at Latta Plantation but they had a bee problem.

We did go down and see Dada in Charleston. It was our 9th anniversary. Jackson hung out with Grammy while Drew and I had uninterrupted conversation and dinner. You forget what that is like!

We have had fun playing at the fountain at Birkdale. It looks like it is going to be a water-logged summer.

Jackson hung out with Lillie this weekend at the lake. He kept giving her hugs. It was so cute! They swam in the lake and then took a bath together. Mr. Brian held up his arm to draw a line down the middle of the bathtub. Jackson just threw a turtle to Lillie over the line.

Baby Boy #2 is half baked now. Let's hope he makes it to well done!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

18th Month - Week 1

We talked about fruits and vegetables all week. On Monday, we went to Patterson Farm with our playgroup. We fed all the baby goats, saw a puppet show, planted green beans and picked strawberries.

Jackson had his 18 month check-up. I was so worried about him not knowing enough words and being behind in communication skills. The doctor said that he was actually ahead of most little boys. He said it was time to start "time-out" for bad behavior. Jackson weighed 27.5 lbs and was 33.5" long. I cannot believe that he has gotten so big!

17th Month - Week 4

This week we talked about Mothers. I can not think of a better play date than going to Tennessee to see Jackson's Nana, Great-Granny and Great-Grandmother. We took pictures with 4 generations in front of Papaw's new garden shed with solar panels.

Nana, Papaw, Jackson and I went to Mayfields for ice cream. Jackson wrestled a bull!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

17th Month - Week 3

This week was all about airplanes. We went to the Charlotte-Douglas Airport and watched planes take off and land. It was really fun to picnic there with our friends. I was even thinking it might be a fun date night for Mommy and Daddy. Jackson got so excited when he saw the planes. He said "Oh, oh, oh!"

We got to be with all of Drew's family in Savannah this weekend to celebrate Zack and Tanisha's new baby that is due in September. It was the first time in 4 years all the brothers had been together.

Jackson is really coming along with his speech. This week was the first time he repeated what I said. We got "bye-bye" and "woof-woof."

Today, we started swim lessons. At first Jackson was not sure about being in the water, but he warmed up to it by the end of class. He put his head under the water twice, kicked and reached, and tried to blow bubbles which ended up being licking the water. He had me laughing so hard licking the water!

We also found out that Jackson is going to have a little brother this week. Boy, oh boy!