Tuesday, May 3, 2011

17th Month - Week 3

This week was all about airplanes. We went to the Charlotte-Douglas Airport and watched planes take off and land. It was really fun to picnic there with our friends. I was even thinking it might be a fun date night for Mommy and Daddy. Jackson got so excited when he saw the planes. He said "Oh, oh, oh!"

We got to be with all of Drew's family in Savannah this weekend to celebrate Zack and Tanisha's new baby that is due in September. It was the first time in 4 years all the brothers had been together.

Jackson is really coming along with his speech. This week was the first time he repeated what I said. We got "bye-bye" and "woof-woof."

Today, we started swim lessons. At first Jackson was not sure about being in the water, but he warmed up to it by the end of class. He put his head under the water twice, kicked and reached, and tried to blow bubbles which ended up being licking the water. He had me laughing so hard licking the water!

We also found out that Jackson is going to have a little brother this week. Boy, oh boy!

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