Tuesday, September 20, 2011

22nd Month Week 2 and 37 Weeks Gestation

A new park opened just down the street. It is awesome. It looks like a tree trunk and roots. The slides are super fast. Jackson went down the tunnel slide face first. I tried to catch him but bumped his eye instead. He wanted his dad to go down with him from that point forward. For the grand opening, they had crafts, a hawk and granola for the kids to make. We went with Lillie.

I am 2 cm and 70 percent effaced so there has been some progress from last week. The anticipation is killing us!

Friday, September 16, 2011

22nd Month Week 1 and 36 Weeks Gestation

Engineering at its best: Jackson took a bag of dirty diapers and put them in the bicycle to make a set. The bicycle is meant to hold a flower pot. I think it might be time to get him a tricycle.

Jackson learned to say, "Shh!" He was telling the dogs to shh when they were barking. He also was saying shh one night when the TV was too loud and we were reading our bedtime stories. He also started saying, "Doggy," instead of just dog.

We started our music class this week called Toddler Tunes. Ms. Charity has a beautiful voice! She lets the kids dance and play instruments. Jackson took a 3 hour nap afterwards. Yeah!

Jackson is loving Halloween. He is not afraid of the spooky decorations at all. I let him pick out a decoration for his bedroom door, a pumpkin, and a decoration for outside, a monster, at Target. He also picked out ghosts that we can make with our playgroup. We cannot take him into Lowe's anymore. He runs for the blowup Halloween decorations and yells, "Dog," at the headless horseman blowup.

I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced on Monday's doctor's appointment. Each day I have stronger contractions. It is so irritating wondering whether today is the day. It was so much easier when my water broke unexpectedly with Jackson and we knew we had to go to the hospital. We are so excited to meet Carson!

Monday, September 12, 2011

21st Month Week 4 and 35 Weeks Gestation

Jackson got to see his first Auburn game of the season. Auburn did not disappoint. They waited until the very last minute, literally, to win the game. We are trying to teach him to raise his arms for a touchdown and say "War Eagle!" So far, he watches the TV and yells, "Ball!" and "Oh!"

When, I got him up from his nap one day this week, he touched my belly and said, "Ball." I told him it was his little brother and he said, "Ball." Later that evening, while we were reading books, Carson kicked and Jackson felt it. Jackson turned around and looked at my belly. Then, he lifted up my shirt and stuck his finger in my belly button. Carson just happened to kick again. Jackson jerked his finger out of my belly button and looked at me so surprised. Then, he stuck his finger in his belly button.

We had a very stressful Friday and I had not felt Carson move in almost 12 hours. After loading up on sugar and still not feeling him move, we headed for the doctor's office. They did a stress test just to make sure he was doing okay. Of course, as soon as they hooked me up to the monitor, he started kicking like crazy. At least Drew and I got a date night out of the whole thing! We have made it 2 weeks further with Carson than we did with Jackson.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

21st Month Week 3 and 34 Weeks Gestation

Jackson is doing great with potty training! The last two days we have only had one accident per day and he went to the potty in a public restroom. We spent the week talking about all his body parts. He loves finger painting! I had the paint at the back of my desk and he got up in the chair and then on the desk to get to it. We are going to start making cards for special occasions for everyone. Save them - who knows he may be a famous artist one day. We started music classes this week. We sang, danced, beat drums and waved scarves. Jackson slept for 3 hours after class. Football season is here - now if it would only cool off a little. Jackson set between me and Drew and watched Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers play. He kept yelling "Ball!"

Carson measured 6 lbs and 3 oz at the ultrasound on Monday. I have carried him 5 days longer than Jackson so far. The doctor said that he can come at anytime. Now the fear becomes if he goes to term, he will be too big. We are ready to meet him. The car seat is even installed in the car. He head is engaged in the birth canal so I cannot imagine it will be too long before we meet him.