Friday, April 6, 2012

2 Years Old and 6 Months Week 1

We took the boys walking on the Centennial Trail this weekend. There is an enormous county park just to the north west Spokane. There is a swinging bridge across the Bowl and Pitcher rapid. We had a picnic lunch before we walked across the bridge.

The weather was pretty crummy this weekend. The wind is so cold! We dyed Easter eggs. I found some containers that don't leak liquid to dye the eggs in. It worked much better than trying to help Jackson gently place on egg in a cup and then get it out with a wire like last year. We did not break any eggs this year.

Carson is rolling all over the place. He smiles whenever he sees Jackson, Dada or Mommy. He is trying to get up on his knees to crawl. He can push up on his hands. I still cannot get him to sit up on his own. He loves eating crackers. I think that they help with the teething but they make a huge mess. Carson can hold his own bottle which is very helpful.

Jackson loves going to daycare at the gym. He runs in every morning and I have to drag him out after I workout. He loves to color. His teacher says that he is the official greeter. He says, "Hi!" to everyone as they come in.

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