Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Santa Claus visited our house last night.  His reindeer at all the glitter food in the front yard but Santa left a few crumbs from the cookies on his plate.  He delivered a basketball goal with two balls as requested by Jackson.  The boys love playing basketball in mom's kitchen.  They also got a lot of new books, train sets, ornaments for the tree and other fun toys. 

Jackson got a bicycle that trails behind our bikes.  Now Carson can have the bike trailer all to himself.  They both got a kick out of riding around the neighborhood.  It was good exercise for mom and dad too.

Drew got a huge helicopter that we have flown three (3) times today.  Jackson loves watching it fly.

Carson said, "Happy," today.  He is so cute.  He also loves to give his brother hugs.

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