Sunday, January 27, 2013

3 Years Old and 15 Months Week 4

Happy Birthday, Daddy!  We took Daddy to a big indoor playground to play on his birthday.  I think it was more for the kids than dad but Drew had a good time.

I went to Jackson's first parent teacher conference on Friday.  His teacher says that he is "sweet boy and a pleasure to have in class."  His only bad marks were for joining in when the other boys were disrupting class.  She said that he is doing really well with his work assignments.

Carson continues to amaze us.  We are trying to figure out if it is the difference between a premie and a full-term baby or just having an older sibling.  He catches on to things to so mush faster than Jackson did at the same age.  I am going with the latter since Carson mimics Jackson all the time.  They truly are best friends right now. 

We have all been stuck inside this weekend with a stomach bug again.  It was just as well since the weather was not nice.  Hopefully, we will all be well for our vacation to Cabo.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

3 Years Old and 15 Months Weeks 2 and 3

Drew and I got to have a weekend together in Asheville last weekend.  Grammy and Poppy kept the boys for us.  They had fun playing outside and going to the Baxter's Bunch which is full of inflatables like slides and bouncy houses.  Unfortunately, both boys got ear infections upon our return.  Jackson's ear drum burst while we were at the doctor and then Carson got one a day later.

By the end of the week, it was raining cats and dogs so we took the boys to Plaza Fiesta which is a local mall with a HUGE indoor playground.  Drew had so much fun that we are going back with the kids and some family friends to celebrate Drew's birthday tomorrow.

Carson is kissing us and saying "night, night."  It is adorable.  Today, at the gym, the child care lady told me she was very impressed with the boys manners.  Evidently, Carson said "thank you."  To date, I have only heard him say "thank."

Both boys absolutely love reading books.  It is interesting to see how different they are even in this respect though.  Jackson has always wanted to hear the same book at both nap time and night time until he has it memorized then we can pick a new one and repeat the process.  Carson likes to "read" books by himself.

Drew got the boys an easel this weekend.  They have had a blast painting, using chalk, coloring with dry erase markers and putting stickers all over the paper.  Our kitchen corner is now used for basketball and art.  I was wondering what that space was meant for.

Monday, January 7, 2013

3 Years Old and 15 Months Week 1

The boys and I went to visit Nana, Papa, and Aunt Aimee in Tennessee for New Year's.  Jackson talked Nana into baking cookies with him.  The boys had fun playing ball in the yard and helping remove the ornaments from the Christmas tree even though Nana wasn't ready to take it down.

The boys were helping me do laundry when we got home from Tennessee.  They loved it when I would push them around the tile floor in the kitchen in their laundry baskets.  What a workout!

Jackson had a dentist appointment last week.  He will tell you that he was a bad boy and did not let them brush his teeth. We will try again in 6 months.
Carson and I played with bubbles one day while Jackson was at preschool.  Carson caught onto blowing them very quickly.  He loved trying to catch them and squealed when they popped.

The boys have been playing basketball in the kitchen.  We took the Christmas tree down and left the basketball goal in the house.  It is nice to have on cold days when we cannot get outside.