Sunday, January 27, 2013

3 Years Old and 15 Months Week 4

Happy Birthday, Daddy!  We took Daddy to a big indoor playground to play on his birthday.  I think it was more for the kids than dad but Drew had a good time.

I went to Jackson's first parent teacher conference on Friday.  His teacher says that he is "sweet boy and a pleasure to have in class."  His only bad marks were for joining in when the other boys were disrupting class.  She said that he is doing really well with his work assignments.

Carson continues to amaze us.  We are trying to figure out if it is the difference between a premie and a full-term baby or just having an older sibling.  He catches on to things to so mush faster than Jackson did at the same age.  I am going with the latter since Carson mimics Jackson all the time.  They truly are best friends right now. 

We have all been stuck inside this weekend with a stomach bug again.  It was just as well since the weather was not nice.  Hopefully, we will all be well for our vacation to Cabo.

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