Monday, February 25, 2013

3 Years Old and 16 Months Weeks 3 and 4

Funny weather we have had lately.  One weekend it snows and the next we are playing with bubbles and sidewalk chalk.  Jackson had a great time building a snowman and sledding down the hill.  Carson did not want to sled.  However, Carson loves playing with bubbles and laying down on the sidewalk so that I can draw around him with chalk.

Both boys ears had cleared up when we went for their rechecks.  The doctor does not feel like Carson will need tubes which is great.  Jackson's ear drum that had burst healed properly.

Jackson had a Valentine's Day party at preschool.  He came home with a Valentine for Drew that said "I love you Dad because you fly helicopters with me."  No Valentine for Mommy.  I guess I need to learn how to fly helicopters.

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