Tuesday, May 28, 2013

3 Years Old and 19 Months Week 4 - Memorial Day 2013

The boys had a great time this weekend celebrating Memorial Day with their friends.  On Friday, we went to "big guy's" house for Popsicles and sprinklers.  Big guy is the little boy that pushed Jackson down the first day of preschool and then they became fast friends.

Saturday, we went to the Buffalo boys' annual party here in the neighborhood.  It used to be a party full of dogs but now there are tons of kids. 

On Sunday, we spent the day with Lillie.  The kids played inside and out before we took them to the pool to swim.  The water was still a little to cold int he big pool but they had a blast in the baby pool. 

Monday, we were supposed to have dinner with Travis and Amelia but we did not finish with our chores in time.  Drew was going back and forth between the office and fixing our leaking shower.  Jackson was so tired after his big weekend that he fell asleep on the couch.  Carson was in bed at 6PM Monday night.

We started potty training Carson this week.  He went several times in the party and his brother has been trying to explain how you pee in the backyard.  Every time Carson goes to the potty he and his brother get an M&M so Jackson has a vested interest in helping me potty train Carson.  Also, Jackson asked if he could have an M&M if he did not wet his night diaper.  I thought that was a great plan!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

3 Years Old and 19 Months Week 3

The boys have been swimming twice now at the YMCA on Sunday afternoons.  Last week, Carson would not let go of me.  This week, he was jumping off the side and swimming like his big brother.  I would love to think that it is my fabulous teaching abilities but I think it is just confidence on Carson's part.  Jackson has been "swimming" in our hot tub during the week.  He dives down to the bottom to get his torpedo.

Last week, Drew and I were in Erie for meetings.  The boys stayed with Grammy.  They got to go to the park every morning and even had a picnic one day.  It sounds like they may have had ice cream at night.  Jackson went looking for it last night in the freezer but it was all gone.

We got some rain over the weekend and it flooded the backyard.  We found the boys hopping in puddles.  They were covered in mud from head to toe!

Monday, May 13, 2013

3 Years Old and 19 Months Week 2

The boys planned a picnic at the park for Mommy on Mother's Day.  We had a lot of fun feeding the ducks our leftovers.  Later in the day, we took the boys swimming at the YMCA.  Jackson is doing really well swimming.  Carson is still a little clingy.

Friday, May 10, 2013

3 Years Old and 19 Months Week 1

The boys are loving their new house.  They really like being able to play in the yard.  We kick balls around almost every night with them.  They also love watching the garden grow.  Everything is coming up and we just planted it a little over a week ago.

The boys are quite the little helpers.  Everytime I go to mop the hardwood floors I have two helpers.  Let's hope they continue enjoying helping with chores.

We got our library card for Charlotte renewed so we have been going to the library once a week.  Each boy picks out five books for the week.  We read a lot at this house.  There are books in every place they play.  Jackson's imagination is really wild.  He loves to tell us stories.  Carson likes to sit and look at books by himself.  He is such a big boy!

We have gotten to see a lot more of our friends.  Sharon came down with Carly and David.  Carly and Jackson are two peas in a pod.  They are full of energy.  Elizabeth brought Millie over to play.  The boys taught her all about dinosaurs.  I am sure she will teach them about tea parties one day.  Today, we are getting to see Allison and her twin boys, Henry and Bennett.  We have not gotten to see them since last March when we moved.  They just moved back from Greenville last week.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

3 Years Old and 18 Months Week 4

The boys were invited to David Orr's 1st Birthday party.  They love going to parties!  This was one was a Lego theme.  They had sweet tart candy in the shape of Legos that actually snapped together.

We went to pick up some of our things out of the warehouse that had been in storage over the last 6 months.  One afternoon, Mommy and Jackson put together a tree.  When Carson woke up from his nap, we carried the tree into his room.  Carson was jumping in his crib saying, "Oh, wow!"  It was really cute.  Jackson told him that now Santa would come to his room.  It is really funnyt o listen in on their conversations.

Mommy ran a half marathon (13.1 miles) this weekend.  She finished in 2 hours 5 minutes and 31 seconds beating the goal that Daddy set for her of 2 hours and 10 minutes. Grammy and Poppy kept the boys at home for us.  They boys had fun playing with Grammy and Poppy's new puppy, Beau.  Beau got a hold of one of Carson's wet diapers and was running around the backyard.  No one could catch him!