Monday, July 22, 2013

3 Years Old and 21 Months Week 4

This weekend with went to Nana and Poppy's house in Tennessee.  The boys got to play with their cousins, Emma-Catherine and Christopher Jr.  We all had a lot of fun!  On Friday, we went to Poppy's secret fishing pond.  Drew had the a fish on the line on the first cast.  When you are fishing with kids 3 years old and younger, it is always more fun to catch fish.  I bet we caught at least 10 fish in under 2 hours.

On Saturday, we took the kids to play at Grandmother Adsit's while we took some pictures of her antiques.  They had a great time running all over the yard and getting into all of her things inside the house.  After playing, we went to Mayfield's for ice cream.  I got Carson birthday cake ice cream but he decided he liked my German chocolate better and asked if he could have it.  Next time, he is getting his own German chocolate!  Bessy is the Mayfield's cow.  The kids loved playing under her on the trailer. (She is not real.)  They also had a cow inside that you could "milk." 

On Sunday, we got to see a friend from college, Matt, and his son Matthew.  They had a Razor and 4 Wheeler that Jackson and Drew got to ride.  Carson and I hung out and he rode a little power wheel.

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