Monday, November 30, 2009

The First Weekend

Friday was Jackson's first day home. We were up most of the night with him since he was having trouble sleeping. (He sleeps great during the day.) We took him for a walk to the grocery store about a mile and half from the house. He loved the Baby Bjorn.

We also gave him his first bath.

Drew's mom and dad came up to spend the weekend with us. They cooked us Thanksgiving dinner for us on Saturday. We walked with the baby each day. He sleeps the whole time.

Monday was our first doctor's appointment. Jackson weighed 6 lbs and 0.5 ozs. Dr. Kocmond was very impressed with his health for being so early.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah First weekend home!! I can't get over how big Drew's? hands are compared to little Jackson in the bath picture!!
