Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 1

Jackson Patrick Walters has been a surprise from conception so his birth should have been no less of a surprise I guess. On Wednesday, November 11, my water broke at 3:30PM and Jackson was born at 12:42 AM on November 12, 2009. He weighed 5 lbs 15 oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. He was born at 34 weeks so his lungs were not ready to work on their own.

Jackson had to be put on several different respiratory machines. We are finally on what I call "old man oxygen" because I can never remember the name. He is breathing on his own and is just getting a little flow to help him keep his lungs open.

The latest "surprise" was jaundice. So, he is on a bili blanket and has two bili lights. His level had decreased from 17 to 10 in less than 24 hours so we expect that he will be off the lights by Wednesday morning.

He is getting 6 mL of mommy milk every 3 hours and is tolerating the feedings better now that the ventilator is not down his throat. These are considered "trophy feedings." We are just trying to get his digestive tract to function on its own. Hopefully, we will start bottle feedings in the next two to three days.

Drew let Jackson have Drew's very first Auburn T-shirt to use as a blanket. It is so holey that I can not wash it anymore for fear of disintegration. I bet it will become Jackson's security blanket.

We got to hold Jackson for the first time on Monday night. It was precious. We both slept a lot better. He loves to have his butt patted. It calms him right down. We read to him each morning and evening. We cannot wait to have our little man at home!


  1. Praying for the three of you ... hoping he gets to be home with you soon! Stay Strong Jackson!! :)
    --Mike & Erin

  2. Ashley, Jackson is so gorgeous. We are glad to hear that he is making such good progress. Please let us know if you need anything!!

    -Kelsey and Dennis

  3. What a surprise! Congratulations Ashleigh and Drew! I'm so glad litttle Jackson is doing well, and that he's already wearing his Auburn colors. ;) Hopefully he'll be able to come home soon!

    So happy for you! (and looking forward to more pictures/posts!)


  4. Congratulations Ashleigh and Drew!!! I was in Myrtle Beach from Thursday - Sunday and was surprised to hear that Jackson decided to make an early arrival. My son Luke was also born at 34 weeks and had hyaline membrane (his lungs weren't fully developed)and was in the nic unit for 21 days. I can sympathize how hard it is to wait to hold your baby and the feeling you get when you finally get to hold him close. I had a new appreciation for nurses once I saw how wonderful they were in the nic unit!!! I have added Jackson to my prayer list. Love the blog and look forward to the updates. God's blessings to you, Drew and your new miracle, Jackson Patrick.

  5. Ashleigh and Drew:

    James and I are so happy for you both and glad to hear Jackson is doing well. You are all in our thoughts and we can't wait to see Jackson!!

  6. Congratulations! He is so precious and I know you can't wait for him to come home. What a wonderful Christmas present this has been for you. He came early so that you would have time to spoil him for the Holidays! God Bless all of you.

    Shirley and Gene

  7. Glad to hear that he is getting better...Congrats to the both of you. I hope to get down there soon to see all of you and meet him. I will pray for him to get home soon. Ben

  8. Congratulations! Thanks so much for sharing the blog with me. The Auburn t-shirt is so precious...I know he will love it forever!! He is so precious and I can't wait to meet him.

  9. Congratulations! Matt and I think that Jackson is so beautiful and precious!! We can not wait to meet him!! He is adorable!! War Eaglet!!
