Friday, October 22, 2010

11 Month Week 2

We had a follow-up with the plastic surgeon this week. He said Jackson's hand was healing perfectly. There are no more stitches and the swelling has gone down a lot. While we were at the doctor's, Jackson took his first unassisted steps. We will be chasing him in no time.

Jackson opened his first birthday present from Nana and Papaw. He enjoyed it!

Monday, October 18, 2010

11 Month Week 1

Jackson's hand is healing really well. All the stitches are gone now and the swelling is much better. We go see the surgeon again tomorrow.

Jackson had a horrible cold last week so we had to stay home. He is doing much better but still has the cough and I can here congestion in his chest. We may have to go to the doctor to get an antibiotic to get rid of it. The doctor said we still have to be very careful with him this year since he was a preemie and his lungs had trouble developing.

We went to a pumpkin patch with Amelia, Travis and Lillie this weekend. It was a lot of fun to have all the kids together. Jackson kept trying to eat the gourds. He was a sweet boy and shared his animal crackers with everyone on the hayride.

Aunt Tanisha and Uncle Zack are here to see us. They are driving across country from Alaska to Florida.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

10th Month Week 4

Jackson has done really well with his hand this week. He still waked up in the middle of the night from the pain I think but he uses the hand all the time. When we went to the doctor on Thursday, he said "I can see Jackson has been outside," because his bandage was so dirty. I had to tell him that it was cookies. The hand does not look as good as Drew and I had hoped but the doctor said it was perfect. We will trust him since he is the plastic surgeon. The sticks will be gone this coming week and the swelling will be gone the following week.

Jackson started standing by himself while holding onto something this week. He loves to look out the door. He is crawling everywhere and getting into things. Thank goodness we babyproofed. He wants to see how everything works. I am just hoping he does not figure out how to open the drawers and doors and undo the hinges on the baby gate.

He said "bye-bye" to his buddies as we were leaving our gym class. That was a first and he has not done it since.
We took him to the farm today to pick out a pumpkin. He loved the animals at the petting zoo. He kept saying "da" which is his version of dog

Friday, October 1, 2010

10th Month Week 3

Jackson's surgery went well on Wednesday. Before surgery, he loved looking at the pretty fish in the tank and playing with all the new toys. As he went to the operating room, the kind nurse let him take his Froggie with him.

The doctor said his fingers were just joined by a small piece of skin. No nerves or ligaments were involved. We saw on the x-ray that all the bones were fine. The doctor did a "small" skin graft in his groin area for the skin at the bottom of the fingers where they connect to your hand. The graft is about 3 inches long which is not "small" in Drew's and my eyes. I think the whole thing was a lot harder on us as parents than Jackson.

His first night at home was awful. He was in so much pain he could not sleep. At 4AM, I called the doctor and he called in hydrocodon to the 24 hour pharmacy for me. Since then, we have been able to keep Jackson more comfortable. He is in good spirits overall. His hand is in a little blue bandage that looks a lot like a cast. We will get to see his fingers next Thursday at 3:45PM. We are praying that the skin graft took and they will not have to do that portion over again.

10th Month Week 2

This week was we made it to a playdate with one of the local mommie groups. We listened to a story and ate snacks with the other kids.

Jackson is getting more mobile each day so we finally got the babyproofing in the house done. I am sure he will show us what we missed.