Saturday, October 9, 2010

10th Month Week 4

Jackson has done really well with his hand this week. He still waked up in the middle of the night from the pain I think but he uses the hand all the time. When we went to the doctor on Thursday, he said "I can see Jackson has been outside," because his bandage was so dirty. I had to tell him that it was cookies. The hand does not look as good as Drew and I had hoped but the doctor said it was perfect. We will trust him since he is the plastic surgeon. The sticks will be gone this coming week and the swelling will be gone the following week.

Jackson started standing by himself while holding onto something this week. He loves to look out the door. He is crawling everywhere and getting into things. Thank goodness we babyproofed. He wants to see how everything works. I am just hoping he does not figure out how to open the drawers and doors and undo the hinges on the baby gate.

He said "bye-bye" to his buddies as we were leaving our gym class. That was a first and he has not done it since.
We took him to the farm today to pick out a pumpkin. He loved the animals at the petting zoo. He kept saying "da" which is his version of dog

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