Friday, October 1, 2010

10th Month Week 3

Jackson's surgery went well on Wednesday. Before surgery, he loved looking at the pretty fish in the tank and playing with all the new toys. As he went to the operating room, the kind nurse let him take his Froggie with him.

The doctor said his fingers were just joined by a small piece of skin. No nerves or ligaments were involved. We saw on the x-ray that all the bones were fine. The doctor did a "small" skin graft in his groin area for the skin at the bottom of the fingers where they connect to your hand. The graft is about 3 inches long which is not "small" in Drew's and my eyes. I think the whole thing was a lot harder on us as parents than Jackson.

His first night at home was awful. He was in so much pain he could not sleep. At 4AM, I called the doctor and he called in hydrocodon to the 24 hour pharmacy for me. Since then, we have been able to keep Jackson more comfortable. He is in good spirits overall. His hand is in a little blue bandage that looks a lot like a cast. We will get to see his fingers next Thursday at 3:45PM. We are praying that the skin graft took and they will not have to do that portion over again.

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