Sunday, November 27, 2011

2 Years Old and 8 Weeks Old

Jackson said two new words this week - Riley and cook. he loved helping me prepare all the food for Thanksgiving! Nana and Papaw joined us for Thanksgiving. It was beautiful weather so we got to spend time outside.

We went to cut our Christmas tree this week. Jackson got a kid's saw so that he could help his daddy. We got a Southern Pine. So far, Jackson has broken two ornaments. I thought that we had put all the breakable ones high enough but I forgot to account for his reach. He did not mean to break them. He just loves the tree and is so interested in looking at them.

Carson was doing great at his appointment. He was 13 lbs. He is wearing 6 month clothes and is only 8 weeks old! He also is rolling to his side. It won't be long before he can roll all the way over. They grow up so fast!

2 Years Old and 7 Weeks Old

We took the boys to Asheville this weekend to go hiking. It was Carson's first hike. We went a half mile to see Triple Falls. Jackson walked most of the way by himself.

When we got home from Asheville, Carson spiked a fever of 102.5F. We had to take him to the emergency room where they did a spinal tap, blood work, urine work and a chest x-ray. They have to do all of this in babies so small and then treat with antibiotics right away. We found out Carson had a urinary tract infection. An ultrasound showed that his kidneys and bladder were fine. The next step is a die test to see if there is reflux - urine backing up from the bladder towards the kidneys.

Jackson got to have his first sleep over at Asher's house while we were at the hospital with Carson. He did great! Then, Grammy came to take care of all of us. It is so nice to have family close by.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2 Years Old and 6 Weeks

Jackson turned 2! We had a dog themed birthday party for him. All his friends came and ate hot dogs and a bone shaped cake. Jackson got some fun toys. He squealed in delight at the trucks that raced around the floor.

Carson got constipated this week so he was pretty fussy. His nervous system is still not fully developed so he has to drink prune juice to help keep things flowing. Carson hung out with Papaw during Jackson's party. He slept the whole time!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

23rd Month Week 4 and Week 5

It is funny how when kids want something they will ask for it. Jackson doesn't say much but he really wanted a cookie and music class the other day so he said "cookie." He hasn't said it since.

Daddy taught Jackson how to catch and ball and Mommy taught him how to somersault. He is a little sponge.

We visited the fire station this week. Jackson knows the firetruck goes "woo woo." He loved climbing in the truck. There was so much to explore!

Carson is picking up his head and looking around. His face has really filled out in the last few weeks. He caught his first cold from his big brother. Poor baby was snorting all night long. We finally figured out that he loves to swing back to front instead of side to side. he is becoming more alert and can entertain himself a little better so we don't have to hold him so much.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

23rd Month Week 3 and Week 4

Happy Halloween! We took the boys to church for a Trunk or Treat. Jackson had more fun in the bounce house than trick or treating. On Halloween, we went trick or treating with Lillie. Jackson was Bam Bam and Lillie was Pebbles. Jackson went right up to the first door, knocked and when they opened the door, he walked right into the house! He was a little confused at first but he was running from house to house once he got the hang of it. He laughed at spooks the whole way! Carson just wore a little pumpkin outfit and stayed snuggled up.

Jackson has gone number 2 in the big potty twice this week!

Carson weighed 10 lbs 3 oz and 22 inches at his one month appointment. Carson is smiling at us which is so sweet. He is also looking at lights. I am trying to get him to track an object with his eyes.