Wednesday, November 9, 2011

23rd Month Week 4 and Week 5

It is funny how when kids want something they will ask for it. Jackson doesn't say much but he really wanted a cookie and music class the other day so he said "cookie." He hasn't said it since.

Daddy taught Jackson how to catch and ball and Mommy taught him how to somersault. He is a little sponge.

We visited the fire station this week. Jackson knows the firetruck goes "woo woo." He loved climbing in the truck. There was so much to explore!

Carson is picking up his head and looking around. His face has really filled out in the last few weeks. He caught his first cold from his big brother. Poor baby was snorting all night long. We finally figured out that he loves to swing back to front instead of side to side. he is becoming more alert and can entertain himself a little better so we don't have to hold him so much.

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