Sunday, November 27, 2011

2 Years Old and 7 Weeks Old

We took the boys to Asheville this weekend to go hiking. It was Carson's first hike. We went a half mile to see Triple Falls. Jackson walked most of the way by himself.

When we got home from Asheville, Carson spiked a fever of 102.5F. We had to take him to the emergency room where they did a spinal tap, blood work, urine work and a chest x-ray. They have to do all of this in babies so small and then treat with antibiotics right away. We found out Carson had a urinary tract infection. An ultrasound showed that his kidneys and bladder were fine. The next step is a die test to see if there is reflux - urine backing up from the bladder towards the kidneys.

Jackson got to have his first sleep over at Asher's house while we were at the hospital with Carson. He did great! Then, Grammy came to take care of all of us. It is so nice to have family close by.

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