Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2 Years Old and 4 Months Week 3

We had bad weather in North Carolina this weekend and I could not stand the thought of being stuck inside with the kids. I talked Drew into taking some time off work and driving us to the beach. We stayed in Islamorado with Drew's brother Zack, Tanisha and Kaia. It was the first time that we had gotten to meet Kaia since she was born just 24 days prior to Carson. She is adorable! Jackson loved giving her kisses. Kaia loved grabbing Carson's hand. Everyone played well together. We got to enjoy the local parks each day. We also fed some really BIG fish called tarpon.

Jackson woke up at about midnight on our drive down. He was a chatterbox until we made it to the keys. Drew and I have never heard so many words come out of his mouth.

Jackson loves an ABC program by Fisher Price that is online. He asks to see the monkey on the computer. It is really cute to see him learning so much.

Carson is eating squash and sweet potatoes. He loves his food. He cries when the container is gone. He is now eating baby food twice a day. He is teething. Hopefully, they will pop through the gum soon.

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