Thursday, August 11, 2011

20th Month Week 4 and 31 Weeks Gestation

Jackson learned the word ball this week at Target. He heard another little boy talking about a ball and just started saying it.

Friday was National Waffle Day so we went to Carly's house for a playdate and made waffles. It has been so hot that we have to find things to do inside with the kids. The only thing we do outside is play in the sprinkler!

Drew brewed beer this weekend. It was Jackson's first brew session. I am not sure how much help Jackson actually was to the process but we have two beers ready for mommy when the new baby gets here.

We are studying cows, the letter A, the number 1 and squares this week. He can now tell you that a cow says "moo." We had Carly over to eat ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. We tried to show them a video about cows but neither child was interested. They are both busy kids!

Our second little boy seems to be in a hurry to get here just like Jackson was. The baby dropped on Saturday after we had a big storm on Friday night. I went to the doctor on Wednesday and they ran a test to see how likely it was that he would come in the next week or two and it came back negative. Let's just hope he can hang in there until week 36. The poor child still does not have a name.

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