Monday, August 22, 2011

21st Month Week 1 and 32 Weeks Gestation

Jackson is learning to potty train. We spent all day Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday learning how to control his bladder and run to the potty. He loved showing off his big boy underwear to his dad. He is equally as comfortable being naked. He runs around the house in nothing but a t-shirt and his shoes. The signs do say, "Shirt and Shoes Required." It says nothing about pants. When he cannot get the pee pee to come out while sitting on the potty, he tells me "stuck."

We took Jackson to the Whitewater Center for an afternoon out. He loved seeing the rafters and kayakers. He just squealed in delight. He also thought it was funny to see people flying through the air on the zip line.

Jackson loves shoes. He asks for them to be put on all the time so I bought him a pair of slip on Crocs. He had a meltdown when we had to check them out at the register. He loves putting them on himself.

Our friend Mike is a firefighter so we took Jackson to see the firetrucks. He loved all the lights and buttons to push!

Carson is growing right along. The doctors are in hopes that he will wait until at least 36 weeks before he decides to make an appearance.

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