Thursday, August 25, 2011

21st Month Week 2 and 33 Weeks Gestation

Jackson is getting so much better at using the potty. It is not taking nearly as long to get the "stuck" pee pee out. He has been an absolute doll this week. Drew taught him how to blow kisses at Mommy and that tigers roar. He has been passing out hugs like they are going out of style. His new word is boat. We are talking about cats this week but he still calls them dogs. Matt Cook brought little Matt to play. Little Matt is bigger than Jackson and 3 1/2 months younger! Also, we found a new babysitter, Riley.

Carson gave us a scare on Saturday night. I had contractions for 2 hours before I called the doctor. They had us come to the hospital. We had to take Jackson with us at 1:30 in the morning. They gave me IV fluid and medicine to stop the contractions. They also gave me steroids to help the baby develop his lungs a little faster. I had contractions again Monday night even though I am still on the medicine for another week. By next Wednesday, I will be off the contraction medicine and will take my last progesterone shot. We will have done everything that we can to make sure Carson gets here safe and sound.

Nana and Papaw came to take care of us. Nana and Jackson worked on potty training. Papaw helped Daddy shrink the to do list.

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