Monday, October 31, 2011

23rd Month Week 2 and Week 3

Jackson and Carson went to see their Nana and Papaw as well as their great-grandmothers in Tennessee. They were great on the drive to and from. We only had to stop once each way. Jackson played in the leaves at Great-Granny's.

Papaw and I took Jackson to get ice cream at Mayfields. He thought the cow was pretty cool!

Jackson said "Zoe" and "Ashee" this week. I was yelling for Zoe to give her medicine and Jackson started repeating me. Then, the next day, I was outside washing windows and Drew was calling me. Jackson was walking around yelling "Ashee!"

Carson likes swinging in his swing for a little bit. He mainly just wants to be held. Papaw had to do a lot of holding while we were in Tennessee.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

23rd Month Week 1 and Week 2

We took the kids to the pumpkin patch this weekend. It was fun to see Jackson in the patch and at the petting zoo. He loved the animals and tried to pick up the pumpkins that were much too big for him.

Jackson helped me make a fall trail mix. I think that he ate more than he made but he had a good time.

Carson is more awake each day. He is smiling but it is followed closely by a toot. He loves to be held so he spends a lot of time in the baby carrier so that I have my hands to do chores.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

22nd Month Week 5 and Week 1

Dada took Jackson to music class this week since Mama was still sore and not supposed to be lifting him. They had a lot of fun.

We took the boys up to the mountains to see the trees change color. They were just starting to change but this was the only weekend in October that we were going to be able to go. Maybe the color will be better when we go to Tennessee at the end of the month. We stopped in at a cidery. Jackson loved eating their apples. He had two while we were there.

Carson is sleeping three to four hours at night which is great for a newborn. He was 8 lbs 5.5 oz at his doctor's appointment which is not quite back to his birth weight. The doctor said that he looked great and was very healthy. His umbilical cord and plastibell from the circumcision fell off on Friday so we gave him his first bath. Carson is also enjoying napping in his swing.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

22nd Month Week 4 and Week 0

Jackson hung out with his grandparents while we are at the hospital having Carson. Jackson is really sweet with Carson. Jackson brings Carson a pacifier if he cries and takes Carson's dirty diapers to the trash can for us.

Jackson is doing great with potty training. We went #2 in the potty for the first time.

Jackson's new word is "dirt." His night diaper has exploded a couple of times from being too full. When he wakes up, he has little moisture beads all over him. He sees the beads and says, "Dirt."

Carson is nursing really well. I am so thankful because I had to pump everything for Jackson. Carson is stretching out and opening his eyes more and more each day.

Carson had a bruise on his forehead from being stuck against my pelvis for so long. The bruise lead to jaundice. We had to supplement with formula to try to wash it out of his system. He had lost weight and was 7 lbs 12 oz on Saturday but by Monday he was back up to 8 lbs. The doctor said they normally only gain 1 oz a day but not my kids!

22nd Month Week 3 and 38 Weeks Gestation

Jackson started saying, "Mama" non-stop this week. He said "Mama" for the first time at 15 months and then forgot about it for a while. Everything is "Mama, mama." He also learned the word, "No." I was hoping that we would never learn that one. We say, "Yes" and he says, "No." He also asks for "cheese" except he says "sheez." That is the only word that he does not say crystal clear.

Jackson accomplished a milestone this week. He learned how to jump and get both feet off the ground. It is so cute.

I was dilated 3 cm and 70% effaced at my appointment. I had the doctor strip my membrane which was to put me into labor if it was time. At 3AM, Tuesday morning my water broke. It took 19 hours to have Carson because he was sunny side up and "stuck" as Jackson would say. Carson was born at 10:01PM on September 27, 2011. He weighed 8 lbs 11 oz and was 21 inches long.