Wednesday, October 12, 2011

22nd Month Week 5 and Week 1

Dada took Jackson to music class this week since Mama was still sore and not supposed to be lifting him. They had a lot of fun.

We took the boys up to the mountains to see the trees change color. They were just starting to change but this was the only weekend in October that we were going to be able to go. Maybe the color will be better when we go to Tennessee at the end of the month. We stopped in at a cidery. Jackson loved eating their apples. He had two while we were there.

Carson is sleeping three to four hours at night which is great for a newborn. He was 8 lbs 5.5 oz at his doctor's appointment which is not quite back to his birth weight. The doctor said that he looked great and was very healthy. His umbilical cord and plastibell from the circumcision fell off on Friday so we gave him his first bath. Carson is also enjoying napping in his swing.

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