Monday, October 31, 2011

23rd Month Week 2 and Week 3

Jackson and Carson went to see their Nana and Papaw as well as their great-grandmothers in Tennessee. They were great on the drive to and from. We only had to stop once each way. Jackson played in the leaves at Great-Granny's.

Papaw and I took Jackson to get ice cream at Mayfields. He thought the cow was pretty cool!

Jackson said "Zoe" and "Ashee" this week. I was yelling for Zoe to give her medicine and Jackson started repeating me. Then, the next day, I was outside washing windows and Drew was calling me. Jackson was walking around yelling "Ashee!"

Carson likes swinging in his swing for a little bit. He mainly just wants to be held. Papaw had to do a lot of holding while we were in Tennessee.

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