Tuesday, May 29, 2012

2 Years Old and 7 Months Old Week 3 and 4

Gammy and Papa came to visit us.  We went up to Priest Lake for Memorial Day weekend.  It was beautiful.  We fished and roasted smores over the fire.  Jackson talked about fishing all week after Papa picked up poles and bait.  He kept saying, "Gotcha fish!"

Carson is crawling on his hands and knees now.  He is really fast!  We have to get the baby gates up on the stairs. 

Jackson is talking up a storm.  He repeats everything we say and even comes up with words we didn't know he knew.  This morning he told Drew he needed a belt.  It is really cute to hear him communicate.  Jackson had his two and a half year old checkup.  He was 38" tall and 38 pounds - that is the 97th percentile.  Also, he is going to the potty all by himself.  He pulls his pants up and down and stands in front of the toilet.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2 Years Old and 7 Months 1 Week Old

Nana and Papaw came to see us.  They watched the boys while Mommy and Daddy went to Hawaii for our 10 year anniversary.  Carson started army crawling while we were gone.  He can also sit up for extended periods of time now.  He loves Nilla wafers.  He has five teeth so we are going to start feeding him what we are having for dinner instead of buying baby food.

Jackson helped Nana and Papaw with chores.  They improved our dirt in the garden, finished planting the garden and tried to fix the lawn mower.  Jackson would stick the screw driver in the screw on the top of the mower and then go to the back and try to pull the cord.  Then, he would come back to the front of the mower and look at it frustrated and start the process again.  It was hilarious! 

We visited The Center of the Universe of the Universe in Wallace, ID with Nana and Papaw.  We got to see an old car show and eat buffalo burgers.  It was a neat like silver mining town.  I am not so sure it is really the center of the universe though.

Jackson and Carson love taking baths in the "hot tub" a.k.a the garden tub in Mommy and Daddy's bathroom.  We have yet to give them a bath in their bathtub.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2 Years Old and 7 Months Old

Carson is 7 months old!  I cannot believe it.  He is wearing 18 month clothes.  He can sit up by himself for a little while.  He prefers rolling around all over the floor.  He is pushing up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth.  He will be crawling in no time.  He eats baby food, crackers and bananas.  He has three teeth in and two more on the way.  He will be eating table food soon!  Yesterday, I was helping Jackson and holding Carson.  I had a banana in my hand.  Carson just leaned over and took a big bite out of the banana.  Now, I am sharing my food with the three men in my life.  I should be skinny in no time!

Nicole came to play with us last week.  She was a huge help.  Drew was out of town on his first trip with Pyrotek.  Nicole and I took walks and played with the kids.  We got the garden planted with the cold weather crops.  Nicole gave me some mommy time.  Travis, Nicole's son, sent Jackson some of his trains so she played trains with Jackson.  She even taught him her name.  Jackson has been saying, "Nicole.  Bye-bye.  Wee!"  Grammy taught him that when someone leaves on a plane they go, "Wee!"

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Nana and Papaw this week!