Tuesday, May 29, 2012

2 Years Old and 7 Months Old Week 3 and 4

Gammy and Papa came to visit us.  We went up to Priest Lake for Memorial Day weekend.  It was beautiful.  We fished and roasted smores over the fire.  Jackson talked about fishing all week after Papa picked up poles and bait.  He kept saying, "Gotcha fish!"

Carson is crawling on his hands and knees now.  He is really fast!  We have to get the baby gates up on the stairs. 

Jackson is talking up a storm.  He repeats everything we say and even comes up with words we didn't know he knew.  This morning he told Drew he needed a belt.  It is really cute to hear him communicate.  Jackson had his two and a half year old checkup.  He was 38" tall and 38 pounds - that is the 97th percentile.  Also, he is going to the potty all by himself.  He pulls his pants up and down and stands in front of the toilet.

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