Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2 Years Old and 7 Months 1 Week Old

Nana and Papaw came to see us.  They watched the boys while Mommy and Daddy went to Hawaii for our 10 year anniversary.  Carson started army crawling while we were gone.  He can also sit up for extended periods of time now.  He loves Nilla wafers.  He has five teeth so we are going to start feeding him what we are having for dinner instead of buying baby food.

Jackson helped Nana and Papaw with chores.  They improved our dirt in the garden, finished planting the garden and tried to fix the lawn mower.  Jackson would stick the screw driver in the screw on the top of the mower and then go to the back and try to pull the cord.  Then, he would come back to the front of the mower and look at it frustrated and start the process again.  It was hilarious! 

We visited The Center of the Universe of the Universe in Wallace, ID with Nana and Papaw.  We got to see an old car show and eat buffalo burgers.  It was a neat like silver mining town.  I am not so sure it is really the center of the universe though.

Jackson and Carson love taking baths in the "hot tub" a.k.a the garden tub in Mommy and Daddy's bathroom.  We have yet to give them a bath in their bathtub.

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