Tuesday, July 26, 2011

20th Month Week 2 and 29 Weeks Gestation

Jackson and I discussed monsters this week. We went on a boat cruise on Lake Norman to look for Normie. We did not see him. Maybe next time. Lillie, Carley, Claire and Henry went with us. I think that Jackson had more fun feeding the ducks and fish before the cruise. However, he did enjoy chocolate milk and cookies on the boat.

Jackson is so funny. He wants to be apart of the adult crowd now. If we have friends over, he will climb up between us on the couch and laugh when the adults laugh.

We went to the playground and splash pad with Lillie this weekend. It is so neat to see them play together.

Cole and I are doing well. We had an appointment this week. His heart rate was great and all my vital signs were good. I told the doctor I had not been feeling great and she said I was probably just doing too much but she wanted to check my blood to be sure. I haven't gotten the results back yet. I am having an awful time sleeping at night. I have to go every week for appointments from now on. We have an ultrasound next Monday. They are keeping a very close eye on us.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

20th Month Week 1 and 28 Weeks Gestation

Jackson said his first phrase this week, "Oh goll." He also repeated me when I said "boom." He knows the difference between ducks and dogs now. He can say "quack." It is fun to see him learn so much. Daddy taught him how to play golf this week with a plastic club and ball. He has gotten a lot better at making contact with the ball. He loves having me blow bubbles and is trying to do it himself.

We went to an ice cream play date at Sharon and Carlee's. We got to make ice cream sundaes that looked like clowns and an double scoop ice cream cone out of construction paper.

We had a play date with new friends that just moved to Davidson from Eugene, Oregon on Saturday. Kelli and Paul have Claire (2.5 years) and Henry (5 months). Our house is covered in Auburn gear so I was glad when Paul was wearing his Oregon jacket and Henry was in an Oregon onesie. They didn't seem to be too upset over Auburn winning the National Championship.

Cole is moving around and you can see my whole stomach move. I tell Jackson about the baby. He knows where my belly is and likes touching it but I think that is all he understands.

Monday, July 11, 2011

19th Month Week 4 and 27 Weeks Gestation

Jackson and I went to a story time/art class again this week. The story was Llama Llama Misses Momma. Jackson got to paint with a toothbrush, make tracks with cars dipped in paint and decorate a lunch bag. Once again, he loved washing the dishes in the cleanup station the best.

The books was very appropriate since we had spent the week talking about zoo animals.

Cole is kicking hard enough for my belly to visibly jump. Drew could feel little thumper really well. I went for my gestational diabetes testing and passed. Yeah! Cole has his head down. I can feel him kicking up near my ribs. When they measured my belly, he was one week ahead of schedule and had grown a lot in the last week and a half. He was already 2 lbs and 4 oz a week and a half ago.

19th Month Week 3 and 26 Weeks Gestation

Well, there are no pictures because Mommy dropped her camera on the way out the door to Asher's first birthday party. We had a great time at his beach party on Lake Norman. Jackson loved the cupcakes that looked like fish!

I had my 26 week appointment with Cole. Daddy forgot that I had the appointment and scheduled a meeting with a client and then my babysitter backed out last minute so Jackson went with me. The checked Cole's heart rate which was 130 bpm. Then, since I was already feeling pressure, they decided to do an ultrasound to measure the length of my cervix. Everything was fine and Cole measure one week ahead of schedule. Who would have guessed?! Jackson, being the curious toddler that he is, had to sit beside me on the table and when the ultrasound tech put jelly on my belly, Jackson wanted some on his belly too.

Jackson is learning all his body parts which is so cute. He still gets ears and eyes confused.