Tuesday, July 26, 2011

20th Month Week 2 and 29 Weeks Gestation

Jackson and I discussed monsters this week. We went on a boat cruise on Lake Norman to look for Normie. We did not see him. Maybe next time. Lillie, Carley, Claire and Henry went with us. I think that Jackson had more fun feeding the ducks and fish before the cruise. However, he did enjoy chocolate milk and cookies on the boat.

Jackson is so funny. He wants to be apart of the adult crowd now. If we have friends over, he will climb up between us on the couch and laugh when the adults laugh.

We went to the playground and splash pad with Lillie this weekend. It is so neat to see them play together.

Cole and I are doing well. We had an appointment this week. His heart rate was great and all my vital signs were good. I told the doctor I had not been feeling great and she said I was probably just doing too much but she wanted to check my blood to be sure. I haven't gotten the results back yet. I am having an awful time sleeping at night. I have to go every week for appointments from now on. We have an ultrasound next Monday. They are keeping a very close eye on us.

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