Sunday, December 25, 2011

2 Years Old and 12 Weeks Old

Merry Christmas! Jackson loved opening presents. Santa delivered all the presents this year so that we would not have to argue about opening them early. Jackson still has no idea who Santa is but was excited to see everything under the tree.

We went to celebrate Christmas with Grammy and Grandpa in Savannah. We visited the aquarium on Skidaway Island. It was Jackson's first time at an aquarium. He loved the fish. There was a touch tank but Jackson was scared of picking up the shells with creatures in them. Mommy was scared too! Jackson loved riding on Grandpa's scooter and the golf cart.

Carson is cooing up a storm. He is so different from Jackson in that respect - Jackson never talked. He loves to lay on the couch and laugh and coo at you. His smile is infectious!

Our cousin/nephew, CJ, is in the PICU with RSV/pneumonia. He is stable but will be there for at least a week. Please pray for a fast recovery. Also, please keep his parents, Amber and Christopher, in your thoughts as they are having to deal with something no parent should have to go through. Emma-Catherine, his sister, is having a hard time understanding where Bubby went. What a sweet big sister to love her little brother so much already!

2 Years Old and 11 Weeks Old

Nana and Papaw delivered Jackson's big boy bed this weekend. He sleeps great in it during the night but at nap time we still put him in the crib because he gets out of the big bed to play. Jackson is saying three word sentences. He is really picking up words quickly now.

Carson has the VCUG test done (dye test). He does has reflux on both sides of his bladder to his kidneys. It is a grade 2 on the left side and a grade 3 on the right side. The most severe is a grade 4. He may have to have surgery on the right side. We meet with the urologist on January 17th. Until then, we just pray for no more UTIs.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

2 Years Old and 10 Weeks Old

Both boys got RSV while we were up north. It is just a nasty cold with a lot of mucus and coughing. We ended up having to do breathing treatments three times a day with each boy for a week to get rid of te cough.

Carson got another urinary tract infection so we will have a dye test done on Monday. It will tell us whether urine is backing up into his kidneys from his bladder. If so, it may require surgery to fix.

Ashleigh's dad's sister passed away unexpectedly so all the family rushed to Tennessee for the memorial service. We got to see Emma-Catherine and CJ. Jackson and Emma-Catherine had a blast chasing each other in circles around the house. Aunt Aimee got to see all her nieces and nephews.

Jackson has loved undecorating the Christmas tree. The Grinch has been decapitated twice. It isn't really Jackson's fault the ornaments get broken. Chuck the Dump Truck keeps dropping them off his exhaust pipes. Jackson has been loading his toys onto the back of his tricycle and taking them for a ride. He even extended the bed by using a chaulk broad.

Jackson loves to "cook." He have made sugar cookies and Chex mix for the neighbors.

2 Years Old and 9 Weeks Old

We went to visit Drew's Nana in Buffalo this week. It took 9 hours to make a 6 hour drive on the way up because Jackson was asking to go potty every 30 minutes. On the way home, the boys slept so it was much faster.

We also attended the boys' cousin Jayla's first birthday party. She had a bumble bee themed party. Jackson loved carrying the "balls" or balloons around. He showed Jayla how to use all her new toys.

Jackson started repeating words like crazy this week. He said, "Oh, yeah!," "Nana," and "poop."

Sunday, November 27, 2011

2 Years Old and 8 Weeks Old

Jackson said two new words this week - Riley and cook. he loved helping me prepare all the food for Thanksgiving! Nana and Papaw joined us for Thanksgiving. It was beautiful weather so we got to spend time outside.

We went to cut our Christmas tree this week. Jackson got a kid's saw so that he could help his daddy. We got a Southern Pine. So far, Jackson has broken two ornaments. I thought that we had put all the breakable ones high enough but I forgot to account for his reach. He did not mean to break them. He just loves the tree and is so interested in looking at them.

Carson was doing great at his appointment. He was 13 lbs. He is wearing 6 month clothes and is only 8 weeks old! He also is rolling to his side. It won't be long before he can roll all the way over. They grow up so fast!

2 Years Old and 7 Weeks Old

We took the boys to Asheville this weekend to go hiking. It was Carson's first hike. We went a half mile to see Triple Falls. Jackson walked most of the way by himself.

When we got home from Asheville, Carson spiked a fever of 102.5F. We had to take him to the emergency room where they did a spinal tap, blood work, urine work and a chest x-ray. They have to do all of this in babies so small and then treat with antibiotics right away. We found out Carson had a urinary tract infection. An ultrasound showed that his kidneys and bladder were fine. The next step is a die test to see if there is reflux - urine backing up from the bladder towards the kidneys.

Jackson got to have his first sleep over at Asher's house while we were at the hospital with Carson. He did great! Then, Grammy came to take care of all of us. It is so nice to have family close by.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2 Years Old and 6 Weeks

Jackson turned 2! We had a dog themed birthday party for him. All his friends came and ate hot dogs and a bone shaped cake. Jackson got some fun toys. He squealed in delight at the trucks that raced around the floor.

Carson got constipated this week so he was pretty fussy. His nervous system is still not fully developed so he has to drink prune juice to help keep things flowing. Carson hung out with Papaw during Jackson's party. He slept the whole time!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

23rd Month Week 4 and Week 5

It is funny how when kids want something they will ask for it. Jackson doesn't say much but he really wanted a cookie and music class the other day so he said "cookie." He hasn't said it since.

Daddy taught Jackson how to catch and ball and Mommy taught him how to somersault. He is a little sponge.

We visited the fire station this week. Jackson knows the firetruck goes "woo woo." He loved climbing in the truck. There was so much to explore!

Carson is picking up his head and looking around. His face has really filled out in the last few weeks. He caught his first cold from his big brother. Poor baby was snorting all night long. We finally figured out that he loves to swing back to front instead of side to side. he is becoming more alert and can entertain himself a little better so we don't have to hold him so much.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

23rd Month Week 3 and Week 4

Happy Halloween! We took the boys to church for a Trunk or Treat. Jackson had more fun in the bounce house than trick or treating. On Halloween, we went trick or treating with Lillie. Jackson was Bam Bam and Lillie was Pebbles. Jackson went right up to the first door, knocked and when they opened the door, he walked right into the house! He was a little confused at first but he was running from house to house once he got the hang of it. He laughed at spooks the whole way! Carson just wore a little pumpkin outfit and stayed snuggled up.

Jackson has gone number 2 in the big potty twice this week!

Carson weighed 10 lbs 3 oz and 22 inches at his one month appointment. Carson is smiling at us which is so sweet. He is also looking at lights. I am trying to get him to track an object with his eyes.

Monday, October 31, 2011

23rd Month Week 2 and Week 3

Jackson and Carson went to see their Nana and Papaw as well as their great-grandmothers in Tennessee. They were great on the drive to and from. We only had to stop once each way. Jackson played in the leaves at Great-Granny's.

Papaw and I took Jackson to get ice cream at Mayfields. He thought the cow was pretty cool!

Jackson said "Zoe" and "Ashee" this week. I was yelling for Zoe to give her medicine and Jackson started repeating me. Then, the next day, I was outside washing windows and Drew was calling me. Jackson was walking around yelling "Ashee!"

Carson likes swinging in his swing for a little bit. He mainly just wants to be held. Papaw had to do a lot of holding while we were in Tennessee.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

23rd Month Week 1 and Week 2

We took the kids to the pumpkin patch this weekend. It was fun to see Jackson in the patch and at the petting zoo. He loved the animals and tried to pick up the pumpkins that were much too big for him.

Jackson helped me make a fall trail mix. I think that he ate more than he made but he had a good time.

Carson is more awake each day. He is smiling but it is followed closely by a toot. He loves to be held so he spends a lot of time in the baby carrier so that I have my hands to do chores.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

22nd Month Week 5 and Week 1

Dada took Jackson to music class this week since Mama was still sore and not supposed to be lifting him. They had a lot of fun.

We took the boys up to the mountains to see the trees change color. They were just starting to change but this was the only weekend in October that we were going to be able to go. Maybe the color will be better when we go to Tennessee at the end of the month. We stopped in at a cidery. Jackson loved eating their apples. He had two while we were there.

Carson is sleeping three to four hours at night which is great for a newborn. He was 8 lbs 5.5 oz at his doctor's appointment which is not quite back to his birth weight. The doctor said that he looked great and was very healthy. His umbilical cord and plastibell from the circumcision fell off on Friday so we gave him his first bath. Carson is also enjoying napping in his swing.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

22nd Month Week 4 and Week 0

Jackson hung out with his grandparents while we are at the hospital having Carson. Jackson is really sweet with Carson. Jackson brings Carson a pacifier if he cries and takes Carson's dirty diapers to the trash can for us.

Jackson is doing great with potty training. We went #2 in the potty for the first time.

Jackson's new word is "dirt." His night diaper has exploded a couple of times from being too full. When he wakes up, he has little moisture beads all over him. He sees the beads and says, "Dirt."

Carson is nursing really well. I am so thankful because I had to pump everything for Jackson. Carson is stretching out and opening his eyes more and more each day.

Carson had a bruise on his forehead from being stuck against my pelvis for so long. The bruise lead to jaundice. We had to supplement with formula to try to wash it out of his system. He had lost weight and was 7 lbs 12 oz on Saturday but by Monday he was back up to 8 lbs. The doctor said they normally only gain 1 oz a day but not my kids!

22nd Month Week 3 and 38 Weeks Gestation

Jackson started saying, "Mama" non-stop this week. He said "Mama" for the first time at 15 months and then forgot about it for a while. Everything is "Mama, mama." He also learned the word, "No." I was hoping that we would never learn that one. We say, "Yes" and he says, "No." He also asks for "cheese" except he says "sheez." That is the only word that he does not say crystal clear.

Jackson accomplished a milestone this week. He learned how to jump and get both feet off the ground. It is so cute.

I was dilated 3 cm and 70% effaced at my appointment. I had the doctor strip my membrane which was to put me into labor if it was time. At 3AM, Tuesday morning my water broke. It took 19 hours to have Carson because he was sunny side up and "stuck" as Jackson would say. Carson was born at 10:01PM on September 27, 2011. He weighed 8 lbs 11 oz and was 21 inches long.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

22nd Month Week 2 and 37 Weeks Gestation

A new park opened just down the street. It is awesome. It looks like a tree trunk and roots. The slides are super fast. Jackson went down the tunnel slide face first. I tried to catch him but bumped his eye instead. He wanted his dad to go down with him from that point forward. For the grand opening, they had crafts, a hawk and granola for the kids to make. We went with Lillie.

I am 2 cm and 70 percent effaced so there has been some progress from last week. The anticipation is killing us!

Friday, September 16, 2011

22nd Month Week 1 and 36 Weeks Gestation

Engineering at its best: Jackson took a bag of dirty diapers and put them in the bicycle to make a set. The bicycle is meant to hold a flower pot. I think it might be time to get him a tricycle.

Jackson learned to say, "Shh!" He was telling the dogs to shh when they were barking. He also was saying shh one night when the TV was too loud and we were reading our bedtime stories. He also started saying, "Doggy," instead of just dog.

We started our music class this week called Toddler Tunes. Ms. Charity has a beautiful voice! She lets the kids dance and play instruments. Jackson took a 3 hour nap afterwards. Yeah!

Jackson is loving Halloween. He is not afraid of the spooky decorations at all. I let him pick out a decoration for his bedroom door, a pumpkin, and a decoration for outside, a monster, at Target. He also picked out ghosts that we can make with our playgroup. We cannot take him into Lowe's anymore. He runs for the blowup Halloween decorations and yells, "Dog," at the headless horseman blowup.

I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced on Monday's doctor's appointment. Each day I have stronger contractions. It is so irritating wondering whether today is the day. It was so much easier when my water broke unexpectedly with Jackson and we knew we had to go to the hospital. We are so excited to meet Carson!

Monday, September 12, 2011

21st Month Week 4 and 35 Weeks Gestation

Jackson got to see his first Auburn game of the season. Auburn did not disappoint. They waited until the very last minute, literally, to win the game. We are trying to teach him to raise his arms for a touchdown and say "War Eagle!" So far, he watches the TV and yells, "Ball!" and "Oh!"

When, I got him up from his nap one day this week, he touched my belly and said, "Ball." I told him it was his little brother and he said, "Ball." Later that evening, while we were reading books, Carson kicked and Jackson felt it. Jackson turned around and looked at my belly. Then, he lifted up my shirt and stuck his finger in my belly button. Carson just happened to kick again. Jackson jerked his finger out of my belly button and looked at me so surprised. Then, he stuck his finger in his belly button.

We had a very stressful Friday and I had not felt Carson move in almost 12 hours. After loading up on sugar and still not feeling him move, we headed for the doctor's office. They did a stress test just to make sure he was doing okay. Of course, as soon as they hooked me up to the monitor, he started kicking like crazy. At least Drew and I got a date night out of the whole thing! We have made it 2 weeks further with Carson than we did with Jackson.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

21st Month Week 3 and 34 Weeks Gestation

Jackson is doing great with potty training! The last two days we have only had one accident per day and he went to the potty in a public restroom. We spent the week talking about all his body parts. He loves finger painting! I had the paint at the back of my desk and he got up in the chair and then on the desk to get to it. We are going to start making cards for special occasions for everyone. Save them - who knows he may be a famous artist one day. We started music classes this week. We sang, danced, beat drums and waved scarves. Jackson slept for 3 hours after class. Football season is here - now if it would only cool off a little. Jackson set between me and Drew and watched Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers play. He kept yelling "Ball!"

Carson measured 6 lbs and 3 oz at the ultrasound on Monday. I have carried him 5 days longer than Jackson so far. The doctor said that he can come at anytime. Now the fear becomes if he goes to term, he will be too big. We are ready to meet him. The car seat is even installed in the car. He head is engaged in the birth canal so I cannot imagine it will be too long before we meet him.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

21st Month Week 2 and 33 Weeks Gestation

Jackson is getting so much better at using the potty. It is not taking nearly as long to get the "stuck" pee pee out. He has been an absolute doll this week. Drew taught him how to blow kisses at Mommy and that tigers roar. He has been passing out hugs like they are going out of style. His new word is boat. We are talking about cats this week but he still calls them dogs. Matt Cook brought little Matt to play. Little Matt is bigger than Jackson and 3 1/2 months younger! Also, we found a new babysitter, Riley.

Carson gave us a scare on Saturday night. I had contractions for 2 hours before I called the doctor. They had us come to the hospital. We had to take Jackson with us at 1:30 in the morning. They gave me IV fluid and medicine to stop the contractions. They also gave me steroids to help the baby develop his lungs a little faster. I had contractions again Monday night even though I am still on the medicine for another week. By next Wednesday, I will be off the contraction medicine and will take my last progesterone shot. We will have done everything that we can to make sure Carson gets here safe and sound.

Nana and Papaw came to take care of us. Nana and Jackson worked on potty training. Papaw helped Daddy shrink the to do list.

Monday, August 22, 2011

21st Month Week 1 and 32 Weeks Gestation

Jackson is learning to potty train. We spent all day Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday learning how to control his bladder and run to the potty. He loved showing off his big boy underwear to his dad. He is equally as comfortable being naked. He runs around the house in nothing but a t-shirt and his shoes. The signs do say, "Shirt and Shoes Required." It says nothing about pants. When he cannot get the pee pee to come out while sitting on the potty, he tells me "stuck."

We took Jackson to the Whitewater Center for an afternoon out. He loved seeing the rafters and kayakers. He just squealed in delight. He also thought it was funny to see people flying through the air on the zip line.

Jackson loves shoes. He asks for them to be put on all the time so I bought him a pair of slip on Crocs. He had a meltdown when we had to check them out at the register. He loves putting them on himself.

Our friend Mike is a firefighter so we took Jackson to see the firetrucks. He loved all the lights and buttons to push!

Carson is growing right along. The doctors are in hopes that he will wait until at least 36 weeks before he decides to make an appearance.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

20th Month Week 4 and 31 Weeks Gestation

Jackson learned the word ball this week at Target. He heard another little boy talking about a ball and just started saying it.

Friday was National Waffle Day so we went to Carly's house for a playdate and made waffles. It has been so hot that we have to find things to do inside with the kids. The only thing we do outside is play in the sprinkler!

Drew brewed beer this weekend. It was Jackson's first brew session. I am not sure how much help Jackson actually was to the process but we have two beers ready for mommy when the new baby gets here.

We are studying cows, the letter A, the number 1 and squares this week. He can now tell you that a cow says "moo." We had Carly over to eat ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. We tried to show them a video about cows but neither child was interested. They are both busy kids!

Our second little boy seems to be in a hurry to get here just like Jackson was. The baby dropped on Saturday after we had a big storm on Friday night. I went to the doctor on Wednesday and they ran a test to see how likely it was that he would come in the next week or two and it came back negative. Let's just hope he can hang in there until week 36. The poor child still does not have a name.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

20th Month Week 3 and 30 Weeks Gestation

Jackson went to stay with Nana and Papaw at Camp Tennessee while Mommy and Daddy snuck away to the mountains for a long weekend. He was very helpful in the garden, went swimming and feed the ducks at the park.

Jackson is starting to pick up quite a few new words. Today, he started saying ball in Target. At the beginning of the week, he was saying"Uh oh."

I woke up in a shear panic on Friday night and decided we needed to rethink the new baby's name. I want his name to have meaning and Cole is just a name we like. So, Carson and Cooper are back on the short list. ColeCarsonCooper weighs 4 lbs 1 oz and is 2 weeks ahead of schedule. The doctors are keeping a close eye on us but at our appointment on Monday everything looked great.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

20th Month Week 2 and 29 Weeks Gestation

Jackson and I discussed monsters this week. We went on a boat cruise on Lake Norman to look for Normie. We did not see him. Maybe next time. Lillie, Carley, Claire and Henry went with us. I think that Jackson had more fun feeding the ducks and fish before the cruise. However, he did enjoy chocolate milk and cookies on the boat.

Jackson is so funny. He wants to be apart of the adult crowd now. If we have friends over, he will climb up between us on the couch and laugh when the adults laugh.

We went to the playground and splash pad with Lillie this weekend. It is so neat to see them play together.

Cole and I are doing well. We had an appointment this week. His heart rate was great and all my vital signs were good. I told the doctor I had not been feeling great and she said I was probably just doing too much but she wanted to check my blood to be sure. I haven't gotten the results back yet. I am having an awful time sleeping at night. I have to go every week for appointments from now on. We have an ultrasound next Monday. They are keeping a very close eye on us.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

20th Month Week 1 and 28 Weeks Gestation

Jackson said his first phrase this week, "Oh goll." He also repeated me when I said "boom." He knows the difference between ducks and dogs now. He can say "quack." It is fun to see him learn so much. Daddy taught him how to play golf this week with a plastic club and ball. He has gotten a lot better at making contact with the ball. He loves having me blow bubbles and is trying to do it himself.

We went to an ice cream play date at Sharon and Carlee's. We got to make ice cream sundaes that looked like clowns and an double scoop ice cream cone out of construction paper.

We had a play date with new friends that just moved to Davidson from Eugene, Oregon on Saturday. Kelli and Paul have Claire (2.5 years) and Henry (5 months). Our house is covered in Auburn gear so I was glad when Paul was wearing his Oregon jacket and Henry was in an Oregon onesie. They didn't seem to be too upset over Auburn winning the National Championship.

Cole is moving around and you can see my whole stomach move. I tell Jackson about the baby. He knows where my belly is and likes touching it but I think that is all he understands.

Monday, July 11, 2011

19th Month Week 4 and 27 Weeks Gestation

Jackson and I went to a story time/art class again this week. The story was Llama Llama Misses Momma. Jackson got to paint with a toothbrush, make tracks with cars dipped in paint and decorate a lunch bag. Once again, he loved washing the dishes in the cleanup station the best.

The books was very appropriate since we had spent the week talking about zoo animals.

Cole is kicking hard enough for my belly to visibly jump. Drew could feel little thumper really well. I went for my gestational diabetes testing and passed. Yeah! Cole has his head down. I can feel him kicking up near my ribs. When they measured my belly, he was one week ahead of schedule and had grown a lot in the last week and a half. He was already 2 lbs and 4 oz a week and a half ago.

19th Month Week 3 and 26 Weeks Gestation

Well, there are no pictures because Mommy dropped her camera on the way out the door to Asher's first birthday party. We had a great time at his beach party on Lake Norman. Jackson loved the cupcakes that looked like fish!

I had my 26 week appointment with Cole. Daddy forgot that I had the appointment and scheduled a meeting with a client and then my babysitter backed out last minute so Jackson went with me. The checked Cole's heart rate which was 130 bpm. Then, since I was already feeling pressure, they decided to do an ultrasound to measure the length of my cervix. Everything was fine and Cole measure one week ahead of schedule. Who would have guessed?! Jackson, being the curious toddler that he is, had to sit beside me on the table and when the ultrasound tech put jelly on my belly, Jackson wanted some on his belly too.

Jackson is learning all his body parts which is so cute. He still gets ears and eyes confused.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

19th Month Week 2 and 25 Weeks Gestation

Jackson and I got Daddy ladder ball and a map of the lake for Father's Day. Now we can do some more exploring on the lake and find a nice beach to play on. Jackson really likes being in the water. He also got to go to his first pool party this weekend. It was Tenley's first birthday.

We spent the week with our friend Megan, Brian and their little one, Lillie at Lake James. It was a nice relaxing vacation. The kids played great together. They went swimming in the lake and we took them to a great playground/splash pad one day. Jackson was going down the biggest slide all by himself. He also loved going to Wilson's Creek and sliding down the river rocks.

Jackson learned where his ears are and Great Granny taught him where his eyes are. We went to Tennessee to see my sisters, mom and dad and grandmothers. I was wonderful to see everyone. We had not all been together since Christmas. Jackson entertained his great grandmothers. He also played with his cousin, Emma-Catherine. It was so neat to see them interacting. We did run into a little jealousy if Mommy held Emma.

Cole is starting to make me uncomfortable and we have 15 weeks to go! Amber is also expecting a little boy. She is 21 weeks along. Aimee is just trying to make her stomach stick out - no such luck. She is so tiny!

19th Month Week 1

Jackson and I talked about fathers all week in honor of Father's Day. Jackson learned where his belly was and his nose. He also knows where Mommy's belly is. I asked him where Cole was and he pointed to my belly and said "Dole."

We started the summer reading program at the public library. We are supposed to read 20 books over the summer. We read about 5 book a night so I have decided to just write down our favorite ones. Grammy went with us to the kickoff party for the summer reading program. There were story tellers, arts and crafts, Irish dancers and even therapy dogs that come and read with the kids.

I signed Jackson up for an art program in Cornelius. They are reading a new book each Friday and then have art stations based on the book. This week's book was "Little Smudge." We go to make a smudge using black paint and a dropper. There was also a station for gluing puzzle pieces, tracing shapes, stamping shapes and using a plastic scouring pad to blot paint. It was a lot of fun. The only problem was Jackson liked playing in the cleanup station the best.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

18th Month - Week 5 and 23 Weeks Gestation

Jackson and I went to feed the ducks this week. I have a feeling we are going to have trouble when he goes to Kindergarten and the teacher asks, "What do ducks eat?" Jackson will reply, "Cheerios!"

Our topic of the week was butterflies so we went to the Charlotte Nature Museum's butterfly pavilion. Jackson was much more interested in the turtles and birds than the butterflies. He also liked crawling through the tunnel system they had to simulate the habitat for such things as moles.

Jackson has been nodding his head yes but this week he just started shaking his head no. At least he doesn't say no yet! He also started running from me this week. We are going to have to figure out a way to make him mind. I am reading James Dobson's "The New Dare to Discipline." Let's hope he can help.

Drew got to feel Cole kick this week for the first time. His kicks are really getting strong. He is making the outside of my belly move.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

18th Month - Week 4 and 22 Weeks Gestation

Jackson and I talked about firetrucks this week. We were supposed to go see the firetrucks at the fire station but Mommy never scheduled the play date. Maybe, Daddy will take Jackson to see them this weekend at the Touch A Truck event.

We did get to see Aubie and Coach Roof (Auburn's defensive coordinator) this week. Jackson liked Aubie last year but wanted nothing to do with him this year.

Nana and Papaw came to see us this weekend. We swam in the lake, went to a pig roast and rescued a piece of dock Daddy thought he needed. We also all got haircuts from Nana!

We have decided to name our little one on the way Andrew Cole. We are going to call him Cole. His room is going to have a nautical theme - madras plaid and sailboats. Cole was doing great at the doctor's appointment. His heartbeat was 146 beats per minute. It is hard to believe he could be here in 14 short weeks!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

18th Month - Week 3

We talked about swimming all week. Today was our last day of swim lessons at the YMCA. Jackson learned how to go under water, blow bubbles, reach and kick, float on his back and get in and out of the pool. Jackson loves the water! We spent the weekend in the lake. We have a float that keeps him upright and he can kick to where he wants to go. He also loves the splash fountains.

We got to play with Lillie and Carly on Saturday at the lake. Jackson loves giving hugs to the girls! Monday, Amelia and Travis came up and ate ice cream with use before playing in the splash fountain. It is amazing that all the kids can play together now.

I received one of my first "thanks" yesterday! All that repeating myself may be working.